Sonia was quite far from Nissengrof now, to the south-east of the town more specifically. She knew others have come this far already, she for sure wasn't on the frontier of exploration, but that was fine, she wasn't about to throw her life away for a tiny bit of glory. Although there was a reason why she decided to venture out that day, monsters hanging around the town's outskirts weren't worth hunting anymore, so it was time to start searching for stronger monsters. Luckily she was probably prepared for tougher fights, and if things happen go real bad then flying away was always an option. Even after spending a month in this dammed game, Sonia still often times caught herself being amazed by the sheer level of detail. From actually watching her breath condense in the frosty air, to truly feeling the weight of her armor, it really hit home the idea of everything here being a very real, and breathing world. Alfheim Online is a seriously unreal experience. While consumed by her own idle thoughts, Sonia was stoutly matching along the snowy ground. Sure flying would be much faster, even with the need of semi-frequent rests, but she still hasn't gotten used to the flight system, plus the assistant controller was pretty annoying to handle in her option. The sun was directly overhead, knowing that she set out pretty early in the morning she'll need to start her return trip pretty soon, unless she wanted to spend the night outdoors and without proper camping supplies that is. With a sigh Sonia came to a stop, then carefully she scanned the horizon looking for anything out of the ordinary, anything at all.