The Professor watched Ruby, delighted that she thought it was interesting. Hearing Adam he turned around "The Librarians run the library Adam. They are granted certain magical rights and abilities. At the moment there are only twenty librarians ranging from the rank of Head Librarian to novice librarian. As you go through the term Librarian is a job you could take up. The librarians guard the powerful books and artefacts but it is mostly magical wards, the librarians do rounds to see everything is in order and if the wards are still holding and if the wards are breached a warning is set off and the librarians run to defend the thing." After finishing explaining to Adam he looked around and saw Gary wasn't there. After some scans of the room he finally saw him frozen on the spot trying to push a big Oak door with a big golden lock open. He gestured to Gary and turned to Adam "See what I mean?" Walking over he put his hand on the new students head and Gary moved and blinked. "Gary there are places students shouldn't go. That is one of the many." "Well then!" He said addressing the group "do you want to explore more of the library or move on to another area?"