[Center][b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/6c65/i/2013/026/2/c/sg__girl_in_the_garden_by_pancake_waddle-d5st41c.png[/img] Much like her real self, her avatar in Alfheim Online is cursed (or blessed) with small height. This actually isn't so bad considering she isn't a frontliner or a melee fighter who needs physical strength and a body to facilitate that. She's fast though - not Cait Sith sort of fast but a lot faster than most Salamanders. In terms of the Salamanders, Naomi is one of the weirdest-looking. Naomi seems to be a complete outsider when compared to others of her race. Where they are bulky and tall, she is frail and small. Where they are tanned, she's as pale as an imp. Her looks are terribly deceiving, often leading to most undervalueing her. Nevertheless, she seems proud of her looks and uses them when she needs to. Clothing wise, Naomi prefers either the look of power or the look of nothing at all. She has quite a number of high-level gear pieces which look pretty damn cool but that's only when she wants to show off. If she wants something, she'll probably use a minimalistic approach! [b]Height:[/b] 159cm [b]Weight:[/b] 65kg [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Naomi Kinoshita [b]Screenname:[/b] Incertus [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Salamander [b]History:[/b] Parents killed in dark alleyway where she swore vengeance? Nope. Abused by her alcoholic parents before running away from home? Once again, nope! Naomi has had a rather normal childhood and life. Her father studied in America where he met Naomi's mother. For a time, they remained there but when she became pregnant with Naomi's older brother, they decided to return to Japan to raise their children. Naomi can't say if she appreciated that decision later in life - school was a pain for the first few years as she might have well have been a foreign to the other students. Granted, it didn't help that they chose to live in rural Japan for the first few years where her brother and her stuck out like sore thumbs. Blond hair and blue eyes were apparently rare where the lived because it seemed like her brother and her were walking, talking zoos to some of the other children. When they moved to Tokyo, things became a little easier and Naomi even found herself making some friends. Granted, they were never really the popular kids who blubbered on about fashion, boys and other deplorable things. Instead, they actually had fun and if it wasn't for that, she probably wouldn't be the quirky individual she is today. Naomi first found Alfheim Online through a friend who couldn't stop going on about how good it looked. Naturally interested, she found herself buying the AmuSphere and luckily getting onto the closed-beta testing team. The game represented something new to her. Somewhere where she could live her life as she pleased without fear of reprisal. She was instantly hooked and pre-ordered the game as soon as she could. Whenever she got trapped in the system, she was distraught like most others but Naomi's a realist and she set about quickly gaining a foothold in her brand new world. Strangely, she never leveled any weapons for most of her time in-game. Although it was inefficient, wasting one of her racial passives, she much preferred to use fire magic. For this reason, she's one of the strongest fire mages amongst the Salamanders and thus, one of the strongest in the game. Despite being asked to join countless military crusades and become a close advisor to the leader of the Salamanders, Naomi has always been separated from the rest of her race and prefers the live of a nomad. [b]Personality:[/b] The primary point of Naomi's personality is probably her curiosity - she's an explorer at heart and she follows that out in nearly everything she does. There's not a dish that she won't try or a place she won't visit at least once. So far, her curiosity only served to get her into trouble when she was younger but her interest in the world around her has morphed into a career prospects, of sorts. Granted, she draws the line at drugs and heavier forms of alcohol - she enjoys trying things out but when things become dangerous, she backs down a little. Naomi always has had a rather rebellious taint. She's never quite been normal or 'fitted-in' so she usually found herself befriending the weirder people in class and subsequently, she got up to weirder things that her parents probably didn't approve of. Nevertheless, any of her bigger rebellions have been stomped out whenever they arose - her parents were loving but strict in their approach. Now that she's older, she's realised that rebellion is simply a statement to her parents and due to the fact that her tuition fees are mostly paid by her parents, she's decided that it's a much better idea to keep her head down. Even though she's trapped in he game, Alfheim allows her to forgot any rules or boundaries placed on her - the VRMMO is a liberation from the bores of normal life; to Naomi, it's like a new opportunity. Even in the game she doesn't exactly follow the social trend. Unlike nearly every other member of the Salamander, Naomi refuses to take part in their silly wars and refuses to bow down to the Lord of the Salamanders. Sometimes the barrier between brain and mouth breaks down, however, and she becomes a babbling mess of exposing secrets and offending parties that she really shouldn't offend. Naomi has come to know these as 'blonde moments'. Thankfully, most of the important secrets and facts are hidden amongst a forest of mindless chatter and filler - real professionals, like her brother, have learned to filter out the rubbish and extract the important parts. On occasion, she has been noted to have had an entire conversation with a navigation pixie. [b]Character Build:[/b] Cloth Armour Proficiency Trading Proficiency Destruction Magic Proficiency Flight Proficiency Spear Proficiency Fire Magic Mastery: Fire Magic - Immolation Fire Magic - Incinerate Fire Magic - Summons [b]Other:[/b] If she's forced to use a weapon then she has a strong enough spear that would do the trick but she does not like falling back on that. Doesn't have a permanent home in Alfheim - she's a nomad and makes quite a bit of money from doing dungeons and selling unwanted weapons or training others. [/center]