[center][h2]Wink[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SsUCpcI.png[/img][/center] Wink was currently cutting through Spriggan territory, consciously keeping to the edges of the mountains that marked the start of the neutral zones. It was unlikely there would Spriggans hunting this far out because of the danger, especially this early out. Even if they were an apathetic race by nature, he didn't want to risk getting into a brawl. Fortunately for him, he knew the spawn boxes and resting spots by heart so it was relatively danger free. His destination was Domnann, capital of the Leprechauns. They were the only race which were freely welcoming visitors. Why shouldn't they? Being the only race with an affinity for forging, they were making handsome profits and they didn't even to collect mats themselves! In fact, this was one of the reasons why Wink risked travelling across Undine and Spriggan territories; in order to upgrade his «Drill Katars». Though his main goal was to meet up with the soon to be Faction Leader of the Leprechauns. From what he gathered, the Faction Leaders of the Puca, Gnomes and Leprechauns were all set in stone. They were all notable beta testers who had built up their reputations within the past month. Rumours of a commercial alliance between the three races were spreading. It made sense, alliances would only show value if you were located right next to each other and the Leprechauns would benefit far more by teaming up with the Gnomes and Puca's than the Spriggans. The latter wasn't as capable of supporting like the Pucas and they couldn't provide mats like the Gnomes could. His goal was confirm the existence of the alliance and if not, push for it. If the alliance ever came to be, it would serve as a powerful neutral faction that could apply political pressure and deter any aggressive nature. It was of utmost importance. If even so much as a single race declared war, it would plant the seeds of distrust across the land and cause the darker natures of humans to surface. The longer he delayed that, the more time the others had in the real world to save them. The Nerve Gear was just a small stupid contraption on their heads, no matter the measures Kayaba Akihito took, there was no way the defences on it were impregnable. The time would come where they could escape without bloodshed.