[b]January 1950[/b] [b]Rome, the Italian Republic [/b] [center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Emblem_of_Italy.svg][/center] The American embassy was a grand building however it still paled in comparison to the even grander structures that stood around it. Rome was truly a city of beauty and that was clear for anyone to see. However Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi was not here to admire buidligns which he had seen many times before. He was here to finalise the dealings of the new plans with the United States, he already had locations in mind for the American bases and knew which two he would assume control over when the time came, however he did not want a trio of fully American bases on his northern border and so was going to request that the basses be avail able to joint NATO forces at all times and that once two of these bases were passed over they would remain open to other nations that were part of NATO. AS his car came to stop outside of the embassy his door was opened and he hurried into the building to be greeted by Ambassidor Dunn. "Ambassidor Dunn, it is a pleasure to see you. I assume your President has already brought you up too speed with the dealings to finalise tonight?" "Mr. Prime Minister," Dunn said with a friendly handshake. "I have been told the details of the proposed venture between our two countries. I have been instructed to negotiate with you and your staff until the Secretary of State ariives. Please, follow me..." Dunn led the Prime Minister through the embassay. While Rome had many beautiful buildings on the outside, the interior of the American embassay was a hodgepodge of decorations and decor, everything from a room outfitted with rustic decorations, to a dining room decorated in a Victorian style. The reason for the eclectic nature of the interior was due to the American ambassador's wife and her peculiar choice of decoration styles. "Have a seat," Dunn said once he led Gasperi and his delegation to a small conference room. Sitting on the opposite side of the table from the Italians were three members of Dunn's staff in Rome. A translator stood at the edge of the table, ready to help the bilingual conference in any language needs. "Gentlemen," the ambassador said as he slid a piece of paper to the Prime Minister. "This is the preliminary terms of the deal sent to me from Washington. Three military bases in northern italy, at least one in the northeast, in exchange for a ten percent increase in Marshall Plan funding, as well as an additional subsidy for Italian farmers. Read it and let me know your thoughts on the deal as proposed by my government." Alcide sat silently reading over the plans as the translator spoke to the other misiters he had brought to the meeting. The plan seemed a fair one however he still needed to confirm certain details about the military bases to be constructed. "These bases, they will be constructed by yourselves? Or will they require Italian resources, weare haooy to provide labourers and machinary to aid the constrruction process?" As the last of the ministers was brought up to speed he leant over and whispered in their ears. A few lines were spoken before he came back with another response. "We have come to a conclusion as to where the three bases will be located. One shall be constructed to the north of Udine, just outside of the city. The second to the west of Venice. The final base shall be constructed to the east of Alessandria." Nodding his head to one of his party they drew out a map and rolled it out across the table. The three locations the Prime Minister had just described were circled on the map. "Now I understand that you wish for one of these bases to be in the north east, this one here..." Alcide pointed to the circle near Udine. "Is the base that fills these requirements. As per the agreement we would be happy for you to keep control of this base after we are able to take over control of the other two. Would this be preferable for you or would you like another base?" "Udina would be the most desirable," the ambassador said after a general leaned in and whispered in his ear. "The idea of the base in northeast Italy is that it would act as a potential bulwark against Balkan agression. The facilty there would be a joint Army and Air Force facility, a launching pad for troops and planes should a crisis in the Balkans ever arise." Another advisor whispered in Dunn's ear and he slowly nodded as he took in the news. "The construction of the bases can be created jointly by Italy and the US. We would like to build the base in Udine, but the other two bases can be built by Italian contractors using American supplies. The prospect of several years employment for construction crews should help stimulate the economy in those two areas." Alcide smiled and nodded his head. It seemed this deal was coming off without a hitch, offering his hand he stood. "May we shake on it? A ten percent increase in the Marshall Plan funding and arms along with a subsidery for Italian farms in exchange for three military bases in the locations mentioned earlier. Each shall be built by Italian contractors using American resources and when we feel we have the capabilities we may take he bases near Venice and Alessandria off of your hands whilst you remain in control of the base outide of Udina." "That is agreeable to US," Dunn said, shaking the prime minister's hand as he stood. "I'll cable Washington this afternoon and let them know we have a preliminary deal. The Secretary of State should arrive in Rome in the next few days to draft and sign the deal."