The Doctor was coughing as he continued to throw up a bit. He was shivering and he muttered. Once he was done, Jack made him lay down so he could see his back after he managed to help the Doctor get his coat off and the shirt part of his suit. The Doctor winced and lay there, He seemed to be in a lot of pain and looked dizzy. Jack swore seeing how bad it was and looked for various things to clean it. He wasn't as medically skilled as the Doctor, but he was sure he knew enough to help him, he began cleaning the wound and apologized when the Doctor cried from pain. "I'm sorry Doc, But you don't want an infection, you'll get even sicker." He was smiling a bit and went to find some bandages. "Hope my suit and coat not too damaged." The Doctor muttered "Oh and ribs are broken I think." He gasped laying there. He let Jack tend to his wounds and he sighed, he had a nasty fever. Jack nodded and checked his ribs before bandaging his middle tight and finding some pain killers. He was sure that the Doctor was so tired and worn down lately that it had caused him to get sick.