[@Maxwell57] Ok, the group and myself understand that if [@Dutchess Sarah] uses the bow you are talking about above, it breaks the lore. There are plenty of other master crafted bows that her character could use, which I am fine with her doing as long as the weapon does not play a part in the real LOTR story. We are all here to have fun and enjoy the story and RP so let us move on and forget about this, alright? It's for the good of the whole RP and those who are posting. My friend who is a lore master for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is helping me with everything, I have it all under control with priceless help. Now, I am going to get to sleep so I can wake up and get ready for my new job tonight! (Working at a professional haunted house.) As a side note, do any of you play L.O.T.R.O?