[center][h2]Silver Soldier[/h2][/center] [center][b]Where : Spriggan Border[/b] [i]Who : [@Animus]Wink[/i][/center] [center][hider=Skills] [i]Hand to Hand[/i] : Gauntlets [i]Light Armor[/i] [i]Parry[/i] [i]Reflexes[/i] [i]Heavy Lifting[/i] [i]Sprinting[/i] [i]Acrobatics[/i] [i]Voluntary Flight[/i] [i]Illusion Magic[/i] : Prior Imagery [i]Illusion Magic[/i] : Double Team[/hider][/center] Conrad hated camping, and his light armor and clothing didn’t give much when it came to cold weather resistance. Why was he so far out in the mountains then? Well, it was just too attractive. No one came out this far because the monsters became sparser and more powerful- and that was perfect for anyone who wanted to farm in peace. Kelvin focused, and began sprinting, feeling his body glow slightly as the skill activated, sending him zipping forward. It was much faster than he would have ever managed in real life, and the freedom felt amazing, watching the blur of trees and snow pass by. He could only imagine what the faster players felt like, flashing between places in an instant. He had been out in the mountains for most of the night, recording spawn times for some choice places, and then dashing between various areas, trying to level his various skills. A mile or so north, where the neutral zone split away from Spriggan territory, he had a small camp built. At noon he had needed to stop to build it, after taking a bit more damage than he was comfortable with- and needing to heat up to get rid of the debuff. Ah. There it was. Just ahead of him a monster appeared. >Snow Wolf< was just as the last three times he had come by today, a large beast, three and a half feet tall at its shoulder. Despite being a wolf, this was a lone monster, unlike the temperate-weather monster variant. That made it all the more dangerous stats wise however. It saw him coming, and growled, bunching muscles and crouching a bit as he came closer- before leaping. Conrad grinned, and shouted out his spell. “” As the wolf crashed down onto him, Conrad’s body seemed to split, a clone kept running, whereas the real Conrad dived to the side in a roll. His clone was brought down into the snow, and remained for an instant underneath the slavering wolf before shattering into numerous polygons. The wolf howled in victory for a brief instant- before being slamming into the ground, Conrad’s first strike landing atop its head and forcing it to the ground. It flinched at the surprise attack, and hunched in defense at Conrad’s next attack, the straight punch landing right on its shoulder… Unaware of the activation of his second spell- . Only to be kicked savagely in the side, launching the wolf five feet away to sprawl in the ground, with Conrad following after. Of the enemies in the mountains, this was the one he had had the best luck with. It’s attack set was actually quite detrimental towards most weapon users, due to its skill, which let it clamp it’s teeth down on one arm and pretty much shake a user around until they could overpower it. Which was pretty hard when you sword or shield arm are unusable. The wolf got to its feet and cautiously stalked around him taking a split second to flick its tongue over a wound. It would be more wary of his attacks now- the AI wouldn’t reset until it was killed, and it would remember his tactics until then. Conrad grinned, and then made use of his exploit, coming close until it lunged, and then thrust out his arm. The beast’s eyes gleamed as it activated and clamped down unto his forearm. Normally, this attack would apply damage through an armor filter- but with Conrad’s skill, his gauntlets were classified as a weapon- which mean that any contact could be parried. He activated this, and his gauntlets glowed orange and he flexed, knocking up the beasts head, before spinning and throwing an uppercut under its jaw, tossing it over into the snow. Slowly, it stood, and the wolf’s form began to glow slightly red. had been activated as it’s health reached critical. The first time he came to this spawn point, it had surprised him, but now he knew what to do. The wolf would begin to heal with each hit it landed while ed. “.” His body split, this time the clone stepping smoothly out of him, and Conrad circled with it, their images mirroring as they went around the wolf. Its eyes narrowed, calculating, and it moved towards his real form. Conrad calmly kept circling, while the clone behind it jumped at the wolf. The animal gave a triumphant growl and spun to savage the clone, only to be smashed through it in a shower of polygons from the real Conrad’s attack behind it. He turned and began walking away before the wolf’s form had fully dissipated, looking at the items it had dropped. and were fairly useless to him, but he might be able to get a decent market price for them. It was the experience he was really after. He grimaced, looking over his stats. He should have used more spells, and elongated the fight a bit more to squeeze more magic experience in. It just felt amazing to dominate an enemy so utterly- despite having the cheap advantage of knowing it’s tactics through and through. He would have to write a log on it later to sell to an information vendor, if it wasn’t already a well-known beast. Information was always valuable in these games. grinned and activated , running across the snowy wasteland towards his basecamp. Stamina wasn’t infinite, and soon enough the monk was jogging along at a slow pace. The effect was back, and was making his recovery slower. If he didn’t reach basecamp in the next hour or so, it would progress into the next level, which would slow his attack as well- which he wasn’t a fan of. Ahead, a small form appeared, the clothing relatively bright against the snow- which meant it wasn’t likely a Spriggan. Conrad’s first instinct was to be wary, until he remembered the territory rules- which made him curious. Doubtless, the other had noticed him, or would soon enough. (Afterall, he had never bothered much with the hide skill anyway.) As Conrad got closer, he cupped his hands and shouted, noting the sudden change as he got closer- and could see the player’s health and name. Seeing the name meant that he had met them before, if briefly. . [b]“Yo! Hey man, how is it going?”[/b] He wasn’t quite sure, but this shorter guy looked familiar. Conrad started walking parallel, within easy hearing distance, but far enough away to be non-threatening. [b]“Any news?”[/b]