As the new voice pierced the quiet of the night, Roze turned swiftly, her eyes doing a small double-take at the appearance of the young man before her. He didn't look to be any older than herself, but as for his species... he didn't have any characteristics of a Lycan or a Vampire... but, shit, he wasn't a regular old human. [color=Teal]"...I'm Roze."[/color] She said after a moment of hesitation, turning fully to face Rowan. He had a hint of a foreign accent about him, and seemed to be rather chipper for a hunter. Roze unfolded her arms casually, placing a hand on her hip. She'd prefer to have her hands free around strangers - far easier to go for a knife when you haven't tangled yourself up. [color=Teal]"Yeah, I just arrived. This place sure is..."[/color] She trailed off, glancing around at the dilapidated housing. [color=Teal]"...cosy."[/color] She finally said with a smile. Well, at the very least she could say that she'd stayed in worse places. Absent-mindedly rubbing her bare neck - the scars always seemed to ache somewhat in cold weather - she glanced up as the tolling of a bell sounded from the center of the community. [color=Teal]"Gods, I hope that's a dinner bell."[/color] She muttered hopefully, stomach growling as if to accentuate her words. Looking back at Rowan, she gave him another smile. [color=Teal]"Care to accompany me to the town hall? I'm better company than some of the other things I've seen running about this place."[/color]