[hider= Mark Jones/Aeagorn] [center] [b][h3]"Ha, they still think I'm there."[/h3][/b] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/103/3/5/the_ranger_reborn_by_jsfantasy-d61dp9c.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 167.64 CM [b]Weight:[/b] 72 KG [b]RLN:[/b] Mark Jones [b]IGN: [/b]AEagaorn [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]Race: [/b]Spriggan [b]History:[/b] Mark didn't seem to have it made in the real world. He was no good at sports, couldn't be qualified as a nerd because he wasn't smart enough, and wasn't a geek because he didn't have any of those hobbies. He just kind of... existed. However as high school started for him he was determined to get good at [I]something[/I]. Deciding a virtual game was just the thing he decided to play the least popular race and make a [i]mark[/I] from there. The rest we all know... [b]Personality: [/b]Mark's going to win this game, and even if he doesn't, there's no way he is going to lose. He is very cautious, never going into a fight unless he knows exactly what to expect. Risks are decidedly a no-no in his book. However he is still determined to make his way out of here, no matter how long it takes. The Grand Quest [b]will[/b] be completed, even if he has to do it by himself. Other than this he's fairly friendly with his own race, remaining exceedingly cautious of others if outside of a safe zone. Mark tends to come off as a little obsessed, however he just views himself as very knowledgably about what he does. He is more than willing to share what he knows, as long as it won't endanger him in anyway. [b]Character Build:[/b] Mark's build is essentially just shoot them with arrows and make sure they can't get close through potions, traps, and magic. If they do... well hope you can stab it to death before it stabs you. Proficient in Bows Proficient in Alchemy Proficient in Illusion Magic Proficient in Detection Basic in Traps Basic in Tracking Basic in Short Sword Trivial in Light Armor [b]Other:[/b] Joy-Stick flight only.[/center] [/hider]