[b][h2][center]Hungry Wolves of the South[/center][/h2][/b] The dual monarchy of Vatanno-Galvia was on the warpath once again. Following their victory over Numeria in 1889, the hungry wolves of the south preyed upon their new neighbor. Numerians and their northern neighbors, Salardia, had always been in conflict with one another. The long history of tensions was only broken when Vatanno-Glavian soldiers marched into the Numerian city of Alloris and began their slow expansion into the kingdom from there. However border clashes were on the rise again and it has caught the attention of the Emperor. Emperor of the domain and king of Galvia, Petris Varelli, was keeping a close watch on Salardia. Varelli wasn't concerned about Numerians perceived injustice of their people against the Salardians. He wasn't interested in the Salardian claims on Numeria. What Varelli was interested in is the coal rich regions of western Salardia. Vatanno-Galvia's factories and rail transportation was in great need of coal. Taking Salardia seemed too irresistible of a chance to pass up for the Varelli. [b][h2][center]Goliath[/center][/h2][/b] In August of 1900, the cabinet of Vatanno-Galvia met to discuss the matter of Salardia. Petris Valleri, Galvian Prime Minister David Vanelli and Vatannian Prime Minister Simon Bachelli shared the same sentiments. King Ricardo Averro of Vatannia was against the notion. The Chief of Staff, Antonio Avenardo and General of the Army, Fretillo Risonni, both advocated seeking reperations. At the end of the gathering, it was decided that the annexation of Salardia was to commence. To head the operation was General Alexandro Varma. Varma was affectionately known as "Goliath" to those of the inner circle. Towering at a hight of 7 feet, he was said to demorilize his enemy with his very presence. However his height was not his most prominent feature. He was known as a brutal strategist who would personally crush his opponents before they had the chance to surrender. The Vatannian giant was not fond of politics and saw the battlefield as a "trial for both soldiers and commanders". Emperor Varelli knew he was the right man for the coming invasion. In September 2 of 1900, 8,000 Vatannian soldiers were deployed to the Salardia border. Officially, their task was to guard against Salardians and police the borders. However those wise enough quickly anticipated Vatanno-Galvia's plans. The 8, 000 soldiers were further bolstered by 5, 000 conscripts being trained at the border. Regular patrols were sent and training exercises became more and more extensive. It seemed like a war was inevitable.