[hider=Asuka Koizumi] [center] [hider=Asuka] [img]http://karmaburn.com/files/screenshots/ga-rei_zero/yomi1101.jpg[/img] [i]"Efficiency is the key to everything."[/i] [/hider] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png][/img] Name: Asuka Koizumi Nickname/Alias: Phantom Asuka Gender: Female Age and date of birth: 15 y/o, April 25th Age Appearance: 16/17 y/o Sexuality: Heterosexual Parents: Hana Koizumi (mother, deceased) and Ichirou Koizumi (father, deceased) Length and build: Slim with a tall height and average build, standing at 5'7. Weight: 130lbs Favourite weather and season: Asuka prefers her warm sunny days rather than cold rainy ones. She adores the spring season, and enjoys seeing the cherry blossoms blooming in the trees. [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] Village: Konohagakure Birthplace: Konohagakure Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Koizumi Clan Rank: Genin Chakra Nature: Wind (to be discovered) [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/img] Appearance: Asuka is rather tall for her age, measuring at 5'7. She appears aloof and quiet, due to her usual face expression. Like many members of the Koizumi clan, Asuka has pale skin and thick black hair that she styles in a waist-length hime-cut. Her sharp eyes are also a bright amber colour (Similar shape to Akane's eyes from Psycho-Pass). Usually, she wears a white kimono style top with her clan symbol on the back and black pants. For her casual outfit, she wears a similar styled top and a grey ankle-length skirt. Asuka often has her hair up in a high ponytail, but she wears it out on her days off. [hider=Koizumi Clan Symbol] [img]http://images.clipartpanda.com/sakura-flower-clip-art-yckeER8Mi.svg[/img] [/hider] [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/img] Personality: At first glance, Asuka seems a little intimidating, with her sharp eyes, pale skin and tall stature. In reality however, Asuka is mellow and polite, especially coming from a clan that are known to be very proper and formal. She enjoys being around people that she's comfortable with, but keeps her distance from strangers. Asuka is also very respectful towards her elders and compassionate towards kids younger than her, having a big soft spot for little children. On occasion though, Asuka can be a bit strict and scary sometimes, often criticising her friends for bad manners and/or behaviour. She expects maturity and politeness from people her age, but is always up for a laugh nevertheless. Asuka is very organised and dislikes rushing things, as she was taught to act graceful and proper at all times. She has a sense of duty to her clan and close friends, willing to do everything in her power to protect them. She takes pride in her clan and is determined to become their best fighter and representative one day. [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] History: Asuka was the firstborn child to Hana and Ichirou Koizumi. Her mother was a respected member of the Koizumi clan, and was honoured the fastest of her clan. Asuka's life wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but, as a member of the Koizumi clan, she was to be taught her clan's customs and techniques at a young age. She entered the Academt at the applicable age and continued to train and enhance her skills under the guidance of her parents. Her school like wasn't anything too exciting wither. When she first started, she was slightly feared for her looks, and most kids kept their distance from her. But, as the years passed, she gained a good amount of friends. Asuke tried her best to achieve the best grades she could, training long and hard to impress her clan and her parents. When she had turned nine, Asuka found out something that changed her entire life. Both of her parents had been unfortunately killed whilst on an A-rank mission. Devastated, Asuka withdrew herself from everyone else, silencing herself in people's presence completely. She refused to go outside on weekends and spend time with her friends, and her grades began to drop drastically, for she hadn't trained in a long while. Asuka had no one to run home to or cry to anymore, and this fact greatly saddened her. One day, Asuka was visited by her grandfather, who was looking to cheer the little girl up. When he was conversing with her, Asuka told him that he felt lonely without her mother and father, saying that she wanted them back. Her grandfather tried to comfort, her, telling her that the two didn't die in vain. He said that they had served as great ninjas for both the village and the Koizumi clan. He told her they would be remembered for generations, and that they would remain in Asuka's heart for as long as she lived. She then asked if she would be remembered once she died. Her grandfather nodded, telling her that she should work hard to be recognised by the village and the clan. He told her he should be proud of her parents and her clan, instead of mourning their deaths for years to come. This inspired Asuka to pick herself up again and start anew; she was going to become the fighter of her clan and be recognised by the villagers of Konohagakure, representing the Koizumi clan in all its glory. Theme Song: [hider=Asuka's Themes] [hider= Asuka's Theme]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B9dlNDisaxk[/hider] [hider=Asuka's Battle Theme] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iMYzYP-Cbz8[/hider] [hider=Asuka's 'I'm about to fuck you up' Theme] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgj6KF6K44[/hider] [/hider] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/img] Weapons/Items: Katana Description: Asuka possesses a traditional Japanese katana that she uses in battle. The blade is made of a secretly mined metal that glows a pale pink when it reacts to chakra. Appearance: [hider=Asuka's sword] [img]http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-23750166916833/thaitsuki-sokueto-hondachi-japanese-katana-ktn5-5.jpg[/img] [/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] Skills/Abilities: Asuka has phenomenal chakra control, which, like other members of her clan, she uses to enhance her speed greatly in battle. Asuka is also naturally fast and light on her feet. She has a talent for kenjutsu, as most of her family members have a tradition of using swords while fighting. Asuka also possesses a large amount of stamina, which enables her to fight for longer periods of time. Genjutsu isn't really Asuka's strong point, as she focuses heavily on tai and kenjutsu in her fighting style. She's relatively good at ninjutsu, but not incredibly so. Asuka's accuracy is also quite poor, as she's more used to close ranged fighting rather than long distance. [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/img] Special Traits: Because of her lineage, Asuka is naturally fast and possesses and immense chakra control. Sge was born with a high amount of stamina and relatively good reflexes. [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] Jutsu: Canon Jutsu: Basic Academy techniques [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] Custom Jutsu: Name of Technique: Ninja Art: Grace Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu Rank: D Nature Type: None Range: Close range Handseals: None Description: Focusing her chakra towards her feet, Asuka sprints past the enemy with blinding speed, leaving an after image of her passing through the opponent. Whilst the enemy is distracted by her after image, she comes in behind them and slashes from above. Weakness: Requires accurate chakra control. If Asuka isn't able to control her chakra well enough, the technique could fail, and she won't be fast enough to 'pass through'. ==================== Name of Technique: Crimson Spring Breeze Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu Rank: D Nature Type: None Handseals: None Description: Asuka speeds past the enemy, and, as she passes them, she slices them with her sword. She repeats this process over and over again from different directions until the enemy is sloiced to death severely injured. Weakness: Extremely difficult to perform on wet surfaces, as Asuka is more likely to slip and lose her balance. ==================== Name of Technique: Ninja Art: Petal Dance Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: Close range Nature Type: None Handseals: Seal of Confrontation Description: Asuka surrounds her body with chakra and sword, circling the target with immense speed. This leaves after images of Asuka, making the person believe she's created clones. The chakra works as some sort of barrier to prevent the enemy from escaping. She then draws closer and closer to her target, making the circle smaller and smaller. Once she's in close range with her target, she launches herself towards her opponent, slicing them once with her sword. Weakness: Can be easily distrupted by earth levelling techniques(techniques that alter the height of the ground) or techniques such as this technique (naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_D..). Those who possess the Byakugan have a chance of being able to counter against this technique, with their 360 degree vision. ==================== [hider=Techniques to be (possibly) learnt] Name of Technique: Ninja Art: A Thousand Cherry Blossoms Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: Close range Nature Type: None Handseals: Seal of Confrontation Description: Asuka focuses a large amount of chakra into her sword and feet for maximum speed. She then speeds towards her multiple opponents(rarely used on a single opponent) and slashes at them with one powerful cut, slicing at the enemies with as much chakra as she has for maximum damage. When using this technique, Asuka becomes so fast that it looks as if multiple clones of her are gliding across the surface. Weakness: Since Asuka doesn't possess and enormous amount of chakra, this technique depletes a majority of it. She only uses this technique for emergencies, and if she's facing off multiple opponents at once. This technique also requires immense focus and chakra control, so even the slightest distraction can greatly affect her performance. ==================== Name of Technique: Ninja Art: Blossoming Path Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu Rank: B Range: Mid to long range Nature Type: None Handseals: Seal of Confrontation Description: Much like the A Thousand Cherry Blossoms technique, Asuka focuses a large amount of chakra into her sword, only this time she remains stationery and focuses even more chakra into her attack. Then, with one powerful swing, Asuka releases the chakra in a straight beam of light, obliterating anything in close proximity of it. This technique is so powerful that it is only taught to a selected few members of the Koizumi clan. Weakness: This technique consumes almost all of the user's chakra, and can prove fatal to the person's health once it is used. The drawbacks from this technique are considered far too great for Koizumi clan members, and requires intense training to perform the jutsu. Rumours say that the technique is so damaging to the body that some people have died using it. [/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/img] Summons [img]http://p1.pichost.me/i/48/1712982.jpg[/img] [i][s]so i see u been talkin shit behind mah back now[/s][/i] Name: Yukino Species: Owl Age/Gender: Female, 42 y/o Size: Normal(average size for an owl) Unique Traits: Yukino is skilful in the art of tracking and pursuing her targets. She's able to move swiftly and silently, due to her large white wings. Yukino is also highly intelligent, and aids Asuka when in need of a clever and cunning strategy. Yukino, as well as other members of her species, are popular summons amongst Koizumi clan members. Jutsu: Name of Technique: Wind Style: Wind Surfing Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: B Range: Long range Nature Type: Wind Handseals: None Description: Flapping her wings, Yukino creates a powerful gust of wind, damaging the opponent slightly to catch them off guard and surprise them. Using the kunai strapped to her belt, Yukino draws it and uses the wind to glide towards the enemy. Weakness: Mainly used to catch the opponent off, and is rarely used continuously in battle. This is because this technique has a limited range and is quite easy to dodge. History/Personality: Asuka had first summoned Yukino a few months ago, trying to master the summoning technique with the help of her grandfather. Surprisingly, the two grew close because of their similar personalities and mindsets. The two show great trust in each other, and protect one another when things get tough. [s]There was also one time when Asuka was struggling with her homework, so she decided to summon Yukino for help. Although she was hesitant at first, Yukino helped Asuka, vowing to keep it a secret from her grandparents. Shh, don't tell anybody.[/s] Like Asuka, Yukino dislikes bad manners and behaviour, and will peck at people if they are displaying terrible manners in front of her. Yukino is very protective and caring towards Asuka, treating her like her own child and acting like a moral advisor for her. Yukino respects Asuka and Asuka respects Yukino, showing the close bond that they share with each other. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [center] [b]Mao no Kagami[/b] Mao-san is what I would call a man of few words. I don't know him all that well, but what I've heard of him recently, he seems like a capable ninja. But judging by his looks… I think he should get a bit more sleep. It is important for a shinobi to stay fit and healthy, especially if you're of a high ranking. Yes, more sleep… That would do him good… [b]Shigetsu Hozuki[/b] As for Shingetsu-san… I don't really have much to say. We've spoken a few times, and she seems like a nice person. She may have a fierce attitude to those she doesn't know, but I see her as a very passionate and determined woman. Shingetsu-san is also quite tall… I like tall people... [b]Satoru Yamada[/b] *clears throat and whispers to the interviewer* Do I really have to do this? I do? *sighs* Satoru-san… well. To be honest, I don't really like him. He's loud, foulmouthed and doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself. I can't even understand a word he's saying most of the time. He completely neglects how people his age should be acting, and that uncomfortable aura he gives of is just another sign of that. He's always scowling and narrowing his eyes at people as if he holds some sort of grudge against them. If he does think bad of me, then I won't argue. After all, my opinion on him is probably just as similar. [b]Nagisa Hana[/b] Nagisa-san is a good person. We've never actually conversed with each other before, but she seems to have quite a bright personality. But the smoking… It has to go. It's not good for your lungs and health in general. It's not a very good image towards younger children either… As a jounin of the Hidden Leaf Village, she should be setting a good example to those younger than her. [b]Tao Mei[/b] Oh, Tao-kun? He's a nice good person. He's warm and full of passion, and that smile of his really expresses that. He's determined to do the best he can and is always there to make a situation better. Just like a small candle illuminating the darkness... Oh, and I quite like his hair. It's thick, cutw and soft and I just want to- wait, why are you giggling? N-Now hold on, it's not like I- Okay, can we please move on now? [b]Ozuko Matabi[/b] Ozuko-san is… Well, I don't necessarily dislike him, but there are just a few things about him that irk me. Yes, he is a loyal and determined person, but sometimes he just takes it way too far. He boasts way too much about his clan and assumes he's greater than the Hyūga and Uchiha… These two clans are one of the strongest in Konoha, and whilst his kekkai genkai is unique and can be considered very powerful if used correctly, he shouldn't be waving his arms around like a maniac trying to advertise how amazing his clan is. Yes, I take pride in my clan, but I respect other clans also. Ozuka-san on the other hand does not. He's almost as bad as Satorou-san, but at least Ozuka-san has one or two good qualities that make up for his rather irritating personality. He needs to learn to respect other people and other clans. Respect is very important, especially in today's time. [b]Daichi Uchiha[/b] Although I rarely talk to Daichi-san, I've heard much about him. As an Uchiha clan member, word about him does spread quite quickly… regardless of the subject. Daichi-san is much like many Uchiha I have come across in the past: quiet, sharp and rather stoic. However, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. He doesn't seem loud, nor brash, and I'm absolutely fine with that. As long he doesn't end up being one of those people with filth ridden mouths up close, then I'm sure we will be able to get along. [b]Seiji Onoda[/b] I've actually never seen this boy Seiji Onoda before. If I can remember correctly, he's the one with the bright red eyes from the other class… Other than that, I know nothing of this person. [b]Nori Inuzuka[/b] Like Seiji Onoda, I don't know much about Nori Inuzuka. I have seen him before in the halls, and he seems like a nice person. I often see him laughing and smiling with others, and I find that very uplifting. He actually reminds me a lot of Tao-kun... um… yeah… Wait, hold on- F-Forgive me for my rudeness, but I would really appreciate it if you didn't giggle every time I mention Tao-kun's name, all right? Thank you. [b]Taibushi Modobo[/b] Taibushi... Modobo… Sorry, who is this person again? [b]Kyoko Suzumori[/b] I don't know too much about Kyoko-san, so this is going to be quite short. I've seen her a few times, and she seems like a nice person. I've also heard that she's a highly capable Jonin, having been trained by Tsunade-sama herself. In my opinion, she seems like the ideal sensei: kind, gentle, yet extremely strong. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Typical Asuka moments] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_logiqwhytH1ql15op.gif[/img] When Asuka sees you chewing with your mouth open Real Life: [i]"Please, chew with your mouth closed. It's disgusting leaving your mouth open like that."[/i] Mind: [i]"YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE PRICK SHUT THAT FUCKING MOUTH OF YOURS BEFORE THE FOOD GETS ALL OVER MY FACE JEEZ!"[/i] [img]https://detarame.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/todoke-sawako-being-sadako.jpg[/img] When Asuka hears you not using honorifics at the end of other people's names Real Life: [i]"You have no respect for others, do you?"[/i] Mind: [i]"bish wat da fuk u doin respect yo elders otherwise u get da spank"[/i] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OrLsoUQ3azg/S7LMkn-l0XI/AAAAAAAAAEA/-fizObSgLhA/s1600/Konachan.com+-+68303+close+kimi_ni_todoke+kuronuma_sawako+vector.png[/img] When Asuka sees someone randomly stripping in public Real life: [i]"What on earth?!"[/i] Mind: [i]"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS PERSON DOING?!"[/i] [img]http://image.blingee.com/images18/content/output/000/000/000/78c/767771015_1744483.gif?4[/img] When Asuka's flower power intensifies Real Life: [i]"Flowers..."[/i] Mind: [i]"FLOWER POWER FOR LAIFU BITCHES!"[/i] [/hider]