[center][img]http://www.mytinyphone.com/uploads/users/bsl71/55587.jpg[/img][/center] Hulk braced his feet, spreading them out his left slightly on front. Ready to take the blow then at the last second in a show of intelligence he sidestepped pulling his left foot back and parallel to his right so that the elephant man would miss. Then in the turn he swung his massive fist round slamming it into Elephants mans back intending for him to go tumbling into the chamber that a small voice in the back of his head insisted had been for him. Not that him or the small voice knew that the chamber was essentially useless anyway now. Then he looked at the Doctor that was still in the room, roaring in his direction before following it through by throwing a table. He was a [i]scientist[/i] like Puny Banner who wanted to tear him apart to try and make more like him, but nobody was like Hulk. If there was more, they'd never leave him alone. He'd be blamed and they'd want to make even more try and make them like him. They'd break and destroy things and Hulk didn't want that anymore than Banner did. He didn't care if Elephant man was down for the count or if he'd get back up and come after him. He walked to a nearby wall and punched through it, stepping through as rubble fell atop his head. He was leaving, he didn't care about any of this or anyone here.