[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1900[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] War , The Zellonian monarchy has decided to declare war on us , after the president speech in response to the accusation of Zellonia the things have heated up and so this is the result , the army is already in high alert and the navy is preparing itself to everything , the troops are already preparing to travel to our Salenian Colony , the new weapons presented early this year will go to the battlefield representing all the support we give them , because of this yesterday the president gave an speech in the harbor to rise the morale of our soldiers . The factories had started to work again for the war , thought a limited colonial war the goverment has given several instructions to the civilians in case there is a bombardment in the port or in the city itself , from here in the Kalpian News newspaper we wish the best for the troops in the front and we will pray for the war end . [b]Military HQ in the Capital[/b] Everyone has already packed and reviewed all the instructions the high command gave to commanders in charge of the theaters of the war , Praviesor will supervise the operations in the homeland , he is expected to protect the citizens of our country until the last soldier , Phaldio will cover the operations on the Salerian islands . Both are trusted by the High command to do their jobs and orders , both had been present in the speech of the president hearing every word with patriotism. [img]http://images.zeno.org/Ansichtskarten/I/big/AK07976a.jpg[/img]