[center] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/a1530c9813baff5a3698c0748d6c652b/tumblr_mvh3zwItpy1s2ta65o1_500.png[/img] When in game Kei tends to wear a mix of light and medium armor, that being a single metal shoulder pad on his right shoulder and some wrist guards while the rest of his armour being cloth armour. [hider=Armour] [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/033/1/5733058/il_340x270.528201832_ktbh.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 183 CM [b]Weight:[/b] 77 KG [b]RLN:[/b] Keitaro Teppei [b]IGN:[/b] Kei [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Spriggan [b]History:[/b] Kei's life was pretty mundane since the day he was born, with the exception of being born into a family that had a lot of money. While Kei was born into a rich family he never let the money spoil him. No matter what it was, he always worked for it even though he could easily obtain any material good through the money his parents gave him. He also made this very relevant in school he never let out the fact that he came from a rich family, as stated before Kei lived a very mundane life, but there was one thing he put every inch of his soul into, and that was video games. Ever since he could remember he played games of all kinds, from the console games to online computer games. At one point in his life he transitioned from console games to solely computer games. Kei dedicated his life to video games, keeping up to date with any and all hardware as well as video game titles to ensure he would be of the many first to jump into a new game. This aspect of his life played a very pivotal role upon the release of VR technology. He at first took apart of the various simulation games they released on the VR technology but as the technology progressed the very first game was announced, Alfheim Online, along with a special piece of hardware for it. He jumped on it right away, using some of the connections he created over the previous years he was able to get his hands on said equipment as well as access to Alfheim Online's Alpha access testing. The Alpha test was a really secretive thing as there were not even one hundred people that were allowed access to it. The downside of said Alpha test? It literally only contained all the aspects of moving and flying no combat or skills or anything of the sort. Although this was the case Kei did not complain he took the chance and mastered flight without the use of the joystick, although at first it was hell for him as he would constantly end up face planting into the ground. From there he did a bit of exploring of the game world itself as that much of the game was also built. In the week that the Alpha was out he learned a lot about the game through his own experience as well as through talking with some of the other players and occasionally a dev, but the meetings with devs were very far and few. Using the knowledge he gained from the Alpha he jumped into the beta feet first without a single bit of hesitation. He took on the role of a Spriggan which seemed to be the minority race as everyone else during the beta test chose either Slyph or Salamander or every race but Spriggan. During the time of the beta test he used what knowledge he gained from the Alpha test and got ahead of everyone, as everyone during the beta were trying to learn the flying and movement mechanics. It was a good time during the beta test he got to experience all sorts of things with the combat mechanics as well as skills and all of the inbetween stuff. With this he went into the final release of the game and made headway. In the one month that the game had been out he became the leader of the Spriggan race and became known as one of the top players - possibly the best - of the game because of his sheer skill and power as well as his prowess for being able to keep the Spriggan territory from being taken over. A lot of that he attributed to having prior experience compared to everyone else. [b]Personality:[/b] Now while Kei has all the power of being a leader in his hands, he is not the one that abuses power, he is kind and caring and overall very easy to work with. He does not mind trying new things, no matter what it is. The same goes for challenges, he never backs down from a challenge as long as they are reasonable. Despite his background he is rather humble even can go as far as to say he is frugal. While he has the funds to use, in both the virtual world as well as the real world, he chooses not spend carelessly. Instead he saves a lot of just in case times get tough. Not only that but he really doesn't have any reason to spend the said currency on. One of the things that aren't obvious about Kei is his caring nature, it isn't easy to see at first but once someone gets involved with Kei on a friend level, he would not hesitate to go into a hopeless battle with said friend. Now while he is caring, Kei is a very blunt person. He does not sugar coat things, if there is something needing to be said he says it. This really comes from his real life background. His parents never had to sugar coat or lie about a single thing so over the years Kei picked it up as well and as such he is sometimes honest or blunt to a fault. [b]Character Build:[/b] Dual Wield Proficiency One-Handed Straight Sword Proficiency Katana Proficiency Light Armour Proficiency Medium Armour Proficiency Illusion Magic Proficiency Tracking/Hiding Proficiency Free Flight Basic Healing Basic Crafting [b]Other:[/b] Likes a good battle here and there [/center]