The Wessex maneuvered closer to the new NC, and then noted that it was indeed, newer then his. Plenty newer, and it was decked out for anti-NC work. It had anti-armor missiles, aerial mine deployers, and gatling cannons, likely fitted with anti-armor bullets. Due to how it was moving, it likely had fully internal weapons as well, probably its' heavier armaments. The red enemy NC was IFF'd as 'enemy' obviously, and its' name was apparently 'Bloody Champ', seems to be an independent. It didn't open comms as soon as that was available, which was... odd. It's just an unspoken rule that whenever NC's see eachother as enemies they at least chat for a second before blowing their brains out. Something about honor. Blur prepped a demo-charge and planted it on the damaged Siege tank before rocketing away, and the Captain notified Swarm that the back-up was a negative for now, and he'd have to maneuver his glorified coffin to not crash too hard. The Mad-e quickly drifted over to the siege tanks as they continued firing, one exploding without her provocation due to a demo-charge, taking it out of the fight. The other-two backed up and began seriously panicking. "Leader just exploded! Holy fuck, what do we do?! This isn't fair! I didn't sign up for this!", the one leading the Vulcan Tanks' crew ranted. "Calm the hell down, we can still make them pay for this! If we can't win, we'll make victory bittersweet. Continue firing, reload your cannons!". The tank crews got to work, reloading their artillery's heavy shells and vulcan gunpods, while their drivers hauled ass backwards, deploying the anti-laser smoke to buy them a little more time. While it didn't really work against physical weapons at all, it made them difficult to target through the fog.