[center]~| 10:56 - 11:32 GST, Sith quarters |~[/center] “Peace is a lie.” Those words and the rest of the Sith Code were inscribed into the very walls of the prison. Miasa had built the droid that carved the code herself. A lowly apprentice could not be trusted to do it right. The very idea that anyone not a Sith could do it was unthinkable. She knew every curve, every line like the tip of her tail. It was too bad none of the prisoners yet offered the code the respect it deserved. Though the prisoners had seen violence, they were no doubt growing complacent. Unless they were foolish enough to attack the Sith fetching them, they most likely invariably thought themselves free from harm. That nothing could happen to them. Fools. No initiate, no apprentice, no Sith should ever feel safe or grow complacent. She opened her crates, pulling out the necessary parts. She always kept more than enough of them available. Within twenty minutes, she had assembled it. A fully operational war droid. Just to be on the safe side, she added a no kill clause to its operating system, then sent it to the arena the back way. No need to warn the Jedi. Once it was on its way, she sent instructions to a squad of troopers. They were to fetch a random prisoner, then toss him or her into the arena to be confronted by the droid. Due to its programming, it would seemingly try to kill the Jedi, but would not fire the killing shot. If the prisoner was worthy, he or she would survive unscathed. If he or she proved weak, harm would be the result. She would watch to see which it ended up being. They might find some practice weapons down in the arena, but no instantly lethal weapons, so to kill the droid, they would have to be creative. She looked forward to it already.