[b][u]Othergrounds Version[/u][/b] [hider=Lin Chi Kentt][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Lin Chai Kentt[/i] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [i]Mimic/Decoy Octopus, China-Girl[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female (She can change genders) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 (Across both forms) [b]Weight:[/b] 136 (Weight changes depending on current form, this is the weight of both of her forms) [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black, (Across both forms, her default form has jet-black hair) [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown (Default Form), Blue (Natural Form) [b]Nationality:[/b] Chinese [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Lin has two bodies she mainly appears as because of her Shape-shifting power. There's her super attractive "default" form, which is default because it is her preferred form. Then there's, her original/natural form, which is far less attractive. Lin can become virtually any human, and alter her appearance to a degree. In her "default" form, she is beautiful, even better looking than models. She no longer appears to be ugly, and unattractive like her natural/original form--- Now she's quite the opposite. Easily one of the most beautiful women in the Academy. She appears to be completely different as well, retaining many similarities to her original, natural form. Lin has a very athletic build. She has a thin body, with a muscular build. She appears to be muscular throughout her body, and she has six-pack abs on her belly. She's mostly muscular because she plays lots of soccer. Lin's skin is a perfect shade of yellow, true to her Chinese descents. Her skin appears to be much lighter compared to her original body. Her skin is plastered with brown freckles, the most of them are on her face. Lin's face is much, much better looking than before. She has a near avian-like face, that is very well defined. Her cheeks are small, and somewhat squared due to her sharp jaw-line. Her head is heart shaped. It is large at the top, and as it goes down, it gets sleeker and pointed. Her chin is pointed, and she has a very sharp and pronounced jawline. Her eyes are brown colored, and average sized. True to her Asian descents, her eyes are pointed at the side. Lin's lips are thick and full. They aren't that noticeable compared to the rest of her face. Her being is completely scar-less, and without any moles or blemishes. Lin's hair is an unnatural shade of black, and straight. She keeps it in a small bun, on the top of the back of her head. On the bun, she usually has a plastic flower stuck into it. In her natural form, she is far less attractive. She looks fairly bland and ugly to be honest. She has a slim, athletic frame. She has some wide shoulders and thick legs. She's also muscular, not as muscular as she is in her default form. But, her arms, and legs seem to be well defined. That obviously suggests that she has been living an athletic life. Which is true since she plays plenty of soccer. From that athletic life; she has plenty of scars on her body. Just plastered around her body, there isn't any scars with any major stories attached to them. Lin isn't exactly a looker. She's pretty ugly to be honest. She has a very wide head. Her face is rounded, and pudgy. Her cheeks are wide and pudgy, she has moles and blemishes all over them. She has a very small nose, with small nostrils along with a long nose-bridge. Her ears are average sized and slightly pointed at the very top. Her eyes are also a bit smaller than average, her eyes a beautiful shade of blue. It makes her look unlike her Asian descent. Since the usual eye color of that race is brown/darker. Lin has several brown freckles plastered across her face and some places on her body. [b]Attire:[/b] Lin's attire varies greatly from day to day, and it depends on her current form. Despite her (Usual) super-model appearance, she dresses quite blandly sometimes. She usually wears any clothes that both fit and match. She does like to wear frilled shirts and dress shirts. She is usually seen wearing tan jeans, or cargo pants. There is one thing that Lin will never be seen without a golden ring on the index finger of her right arm. It is a wedding ring, even though Lin wasn't married. Which is a gift from one of her oldest friends, before she went away. This ring reminds Lin of that special friend. On special occasions, Lin can be seen wearing an assortment of dresses. Most of them are modest, and show little to no naughty bits. Most of these dresses are white colored. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] Lin is a very nice and polite person. She almost never treats anyone unfairly and rudely at first. She's a very easy person to get along with, as long as you're nice in return. To those who aren't, she isn't exactly mentally or emotionally capable of dealing with them. She can easily be insulted if someone is nasty enough. She's not exactly good with come-backs either. Lin isn't a violent person. She usually avoids people who use violence for "wrong" reasons. However, she can tolerate a person who fights for good reasons (In her eyes). As long as they don't act like thugs. Lin herself will use violence or lethal force whenever it becomes necessary. Lin can be a bit of a doormat at times. Easy to intimidate with violence, and is easily bullied. She doesn't have the will to stand up for herself. This means that she can be forced into something that she doesn't want to be rather easily. Lin will try to avoid this by either running away or hiding from someone who does. This mentally that she has stems from earlier childhood bullying and abuse. Lin is a quiet girl when around other people. She just stays quiet (or in the background) while other people talk, and sometimes when someone says something; she'll speak. This doesn't count if she's apart of the active conversation. In terms of D&D Morality, I'd say she's [i]Lawful Good.[/i] [b]Hobbies/Skills:[/b] Lin has a near infinite amount of patience. It is almost impossible for her to get bored. Aside from that, Lin  plays a lot of soccer. She's extremely good at running and very skilled with the sport. She's on the road to becoming a professional. As a side effect of this, she can run pretty fast (Depending on her current form). Lin is also a very good swimmer, she can swim quite fast. She also likes sledding, Peter Pan, country music, wind chimes, pocket-watches, whales, and meteorology. [b]Favorite color:[/b] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral (Main), Anatomical/Biological and Super-System [b]Power:[/b] [i]Telepathic Shape-Shifting.[/i] Lin's power is a mix/link between Telepathy and Shape-shifting. By focusing enough, she can read the minds of those she chooses, making her telepath. Albeit, from the start of the RP, a basic one. However, this is only the first step to her true power. Lin can read the minds of those around her, and Shape-shift into people based around those thoughts. When people think a thought about or relating to someone, no matter the thought, Lin can shape-shift into the exact person (s)he thought of (Regardless of gender). It can be a general thought, like "Did Alice turn off the TV?" or maybe remembering/thinking of a character from a TV show. It can be anyone. As long as the person's thought has someone in it, and that person knows who it looks like, Lin can flawlessly copy the person's form, from their outward appearance, all the way to their voice. The person thinking the thought just has to remember it. She'll also appear to have their scars, tattoos and other physical alterations (If it's remembered). This ability dives deep within someone's mind. Gathering as much information on their appearance as she can via all their memories. However, she won't know these memories, only know what the person looks like from the memories. Which means she'll always have a more complete shape-shift, without even knowing the person's memories. Lin can assume the forms she's assumed in the past as long as she remembers them. Through this power is how Lin went from a generally unattractive girl to an absolute Asian-bombshell. She asked several people what they thought was an amazing looking Asian-female. She recorded all the thoughts and went with the one that she thought looked the best. Lin has over a hundred different forms. Lin will also [i]always[/i] know if a Cerebral type is attempting to access her mind. Lin can freely alter some aspects of her body (Even if she's already shape-shifted into someone), to a degree. She can freely change the color of her skin, hair, eyes, to anything within the natural spectrum. Based off the forms she remembers, she can also freely change her facial features - She can change her eyes, chin, nose, lips, etc (You get the picture), and mix and match facial features. Lin can also freely change her gender, regardless of form - For maximum awkwardness. Even while she's already assumed a form of someone, she can do this. Lin can also create her own tattoos and scars, just by thinking about it. She can create intricate tattoos and some brutal scars freely. Which helps her disguises quite a bit. Lin can also create false injuries, she can mold burns and small cuts. This can help her fool opponents - However, she cannot create/draw blood. Finally, Lin can change her voice to that of others - All she has to do is hear it before. Lin has plenty telepathic abilities in her potential. She won't be able to reach all of them during the course of the story. Her telepathy will also get stronger as the story goes on - Right now it's pretty weak, but as the story goes along, she'll be able to go from reading one person's thoughts at a time to possibly reading several minds. Abilities she can learn: sending her own thoughts to people, digging into minds/memories (Allowing her to see memories), sending out a near-invisible wave of mental energy that will scramble someone's mind temporarily (Causing headaches, thoughts and emotions going crazy, senses being dulled, etc), mind-linking with anyone of choice, and putting up mental barriers that will defend her from Cerebral-type powers as well as cloak her from cerebral-based detection/location. Eventually, she'll also be able to shape-shift into anyone she thinks of, and alter her current body any way she pleases by thinking about the changes. The absolute form of Shape-shifting. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] At the moment her shape-shifting depends on her emotional and physical state. She must be either kept in a good emotional and physical state, or else she won't be able to shape-shift properly or maintain those forms as well. Some frequencies of sound and light will cause her to revert back to her original/natural form. Just not to defeat the purpose of having this ability; Lin can only assume forms based off the thoughts from people around her (Currently). It heavily depends on what the person remembers. Say if the person doesn't know something about someone, her own mind will subconsciously fill in the blanks. Which can easily mess up something major about someone's appearance. It can also be difficult when it comes to minor details, say if they forget about a scar on someone's then Lin's form will be without that detail as well. The same applies if they make a mistake about someone. In either case, if she's trying to impersonate someone and there's a mistake about their appearance; she's going to have a bad time. Since she can only shape-shift into whatever one person thinks; it can be [i]literally[/i] anyone. For example; it could be what someone used to look like, what they want the person to look like, etc. She may end up with some inaccurate, or unneeded forms. This can be either good or bad. Clothing isn't incorporated into the shape-shifting, she'll have to find some new clothes that fit her new body, if necessary. Lin can shape-shift into any form as long as there isn't a large mass difference. If there is a large difference - She'd either be a smaller/bigger version of that person. Which is a instant giveaway if she tries to disguise herself. She can only turn into humans. Animals and Animal Meta-humans are %100 out of the question. Lin will always have the same scent no matter what form she takes. Telepaths (and certain other Cerebral Types) can potentially see through her shape-shifting and know her original form. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Zeta, Delta and Alpha[/hider] [b][u]The Awakened Version[/u][/b] [hider=Lin Baozai][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ok0glLJsr4[/youtube] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Lin Baozai[/i][/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent][img]http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/rsz_1asian_beauty_2_by_widjita_zpsiithanol.jpg[/img][/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]Daughter of a rich scientist and owner of a company known as the [i]Baozai Pharmaceutical Company[/i], Lin Baozai was the oldest among a group of three sisters (Four, since her father also fathered a bastard daughter). She had everything she ever needed, and more. A life of comfort that was unheard of. Yet, her father pushed her to be the best. To have the best morals, to be the smartest, to be the most athletic. Whether she liked it or not. Which immediately put the idea in her head that she [i]had[/i] to be that way, or she'd be worthless. This mindset continued throughout her life, which caused a rift between her sisters (Who weren't as "pushed", I could say). Eventually, once she was old enough, her father flew her from the East coast to the West in order for her to attend the Copperworth Academy in Oregon. She felt relieved, without her father bearing down on her, she was free to relax. Yet, she knew her father would be disappointed if she didn't get the best grades. However, recently, she's been hearing things... things she shouldn't know....[/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Telepathic Shape-Shifting. [/i] [indent]Lin Baozai has a telepathic ability, the basic mind read-y business. She can do the basic techniques of reading surface and innermost thoughts, sending thoughts of her own, mental attacks on others, defend herself from mental intrusion (She will always know if someone's trying to get into her mind), etc, etc. This telepathy gives her a people-sense, allowing her to know exactly where people are in a twenty foot range, and the ability to freely access their minds. She can focus a bit, and with a bit of effort, extend the range. The most she has extended this range was fifty-feet. This is only the first step to another ability. Lin has a side of shapeshifting, that uses her telepathy to gain new forms. If someone thinks of a person, animal, or object, Lin can perfectly shape-shift into it. Limited only by the laws of mass conservation and by the fact that it must be real. If Lin shape-shifts into an object or animal, she will have all their abilities/traits/whatever. She can assume past forms long as she remembers them. There's plenty of customization for her shape-shifting. She can change features such as skin/hair/eye color, facial features, add things such as tattoos and scars, change genders, and false wounds - Regardless of what form she is currently in. It's in her potential, but it's highly possible for her to shape-shift into anything she thinks of, rendering her telepathy obsolete. Lin can learn a few telepathic abilities. She can learn how to dig deeper into minds (Read memories), launch stronger mental attacks, mind-linking with multiple-people, and mental-cloaking.[/indent][/hider]