[quote=@Vocab] "For a man destined for hell, what use is it to repent?" [/quote] I like your signature, I remember this old story I once heard where there is this old man on his death bed and the priest comes to give him last rights. The priest opens his bible and says "Do you renounce Satan and all he stands for?" and the old man reply's "Woah, I don't think it's a good idea to be making new enemies this late in the game. [quote=@Jay Kalton] [@Prince of Seraphs] Will you be organizing and putting the people who want to be in factions [i]in[/i] different factions? Since I wanted Orihime to be in a faction, will you be putting her and maybe some other characters in to factions? I think I sound a bit confusing, but I hope you understand what I mean. [/quote] The factions are more of a personal choice, very few people survive without them but choosing one is sort of a compromise between what your character would willingly do for them, what they can do for you, if you wish to join them and if they want you in the group. I think [@RadioactiveRat] is right. The different factions would be not completely but at least partially based on race/ethnicity/culture/language/religion etc though while that would be part of it I think a bigger part would be the kinds of abilities people have. [@Vocab] hasn't given me any details on the requirements of joining SOUL but he mentioned that there rival group is composed of tech/electric/mechanical/physics users. I will be choosing room assignment but I will not be deciding factions for anyone. You're free to create factions and send the details to me for approval. I'd be happy to give anyone some examples and help with a faction they are working on but if I design them myself it's going become me figuring out how many of each character's power I can jam under one label which is not really what I want.