[@Prince of Seraphs] that is correct. The newly named SIGN faction is a group primarily focused on those with abilities that require calculations and are more to do with mechanics/technology. The leader of this faction is called Jason Reed, who has the ability data manipulation. (It's on the superpower wiki under datakinesis I think). Anyway the only requirement for SOUL is that you must succeed in a fight specially designed for allowing new members in. The new initiate must fight a group of 3 Soldiers (the second lowest rank in SOUL) whilst the ability dampening field is on. They must live for 3 minutes without being incapacitated or killed. Apart from that all people are allowed to join as long as they can succeed the test ^_^ Also thanks. Hate to break the whole "anonymous" thing but I thought of that quote. I did look it up to see if it already existed and it didn't so why the hell not. Ill have to look for that story though.