Zeltrax stood up again using his sword as a sort of crutch as he got himself up. "Well you certainly did show us your power, but I'm afraid that using any of my abilities would be a bit wasted here. As I have no targets to attack, and no targets are attacking me." Zeltrax said his smile was that of a humble old man, though with his face it was rather hard to tell that, but his voice atleast gave off that idea. "I do have something of a plan if you have your heart set on Loki. If your interested in hearing it I would love to tell you about it, though I'm sure you have a plan of your own too hm?" Zeltrax said with a smile. He turned back for a moment to look at Lea, making sure the seed hadn't been rotten this time too, so far the boy showed no signs of going into a mindless zombie mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cythlla in the meantime was still in her cell. Soon enough she was starting to get back her sanity. "He showed himself didn't he?" Cythlla said with a smile as she looked at one of the guards. The guard looked uncombfortable by the grin that Cythlla was giving him. She looked like she wanted to eat him. Another guard ran off to find the other gods, they had to be told that Cythlla was sane again, and it seemed like she knew something of the situation. "He's coming you know! None of you can stop him!" Cythlla said with the same grin. She was currently on the ground sitting and swaying her body in circles as if it was a boat on water.