The fog scattered Swarm's missile's aiming laser, making precise targeting impossible. However, the laser was still able to light up parts of the fog sufficiently to pose as a vague target for the missiles, which ended up flying into the fog at relatively random heights and angles, almost all missiles didn't hit anything and exited the cloud on the other side, slamming into the ground a few hundred meters later. A few of the missiles seemed to have hit something within the fog however, but whether what they hit was the ground or a tank was unintelligable through the thick fog. Joe fired the next volley as soon as he could, without using the dumb-fire mode; If the missiles entered the fog at a steeper angle, they would at least hit the ground, and the shockwaves from the blasts should at least keep the tank's crew scared. The gaseous products from the chemical reactions causing in the explosion should also lighten up the fog by spreading it over a greater area, at least a tiny bit. Joe audibly sighed, when he was back he would have to get the Swarm a backup weapon, which was unaffected by the visual conditions. Even a tiny machinegun would technically fit, although not help a bit against the armor of NCs or tanks.