The driver is in a catatonic state. The wound, for some reason, slowed down its bleeding, and the driver slumps down, but not quite unconscious. The innkeeper jumps to help Emmett, and they succeed in moving the couch, but not without noise. In mere seconds, there are audible noises of zombie moans, but they're still quite far off. "That'll hold them. I'm gonna go see about the wounded guy." the innkeeper says, then walks over to where William and the driver are. ""Does he have a fever?" he continued, then put his palm on the driver's forehead. Just then, the driver turns his head upwards and bites the innkeeper's hand! Due to the suddenness and his position, he manages to only graze the innkeeper, but it was enough to draw blood. The innkeeper jumps back, holding his hand in shock as the driver, or what used to be him, is thrashing around, this time trying to bite William. He misses by an inch in his attempt to gnaw on William's arm, but they're very close. He tries again. [hider=TAG] [FREE] except for William and Emmett. You guys just deal with the zombie. Let's see if it'll work out fine this way. If the other characters decide to go downstairs, they enter combat mode as well. [/hider]