[center][h2]Wink[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SsUCpcI.png[/img][/center] [center]Where : Spriggan Border [i]Who : [@The Wanderer] Silver Soldier[/i][/center] “Yo! Hey man, how is it going?” Wink stopped dead in his tracks. He had been thinking too hard over Alfheim's political situation that he hadn't noticed the Spriggan approach him. A green cursor floated over his head; «Silver Soldier» was the name. Wink quickly composed himself and collected his thoughts. Then the memory of first day of Alfheim Online surged back to him. Shortly after Kayaba Akihito's speech, the plaza had delved into panic and chaos. The Spriggan before him had been amongst a group he and some other beta testers had been trying to calm down only to be cut off by the sudden forced teleports which shifted every player back to their starting zone in their own territories. Did the Spriggan remember him from back then? It was plausible but he didn't fancy it. Even if he did remember, who was it to say he was an ally by this point? “Any news?” Once again, the Spriggan cut into his thoughts. Was he stalling? The distance he put between himself and Wink was unsettling because he was in a position to cut Wink off regardless of which direction he went. If it wasn't for the fact he knew the Spriggans didn't care about border control, Wink would have swore the person before him was a scout from a patrol. Wink brushed his paranoia off, he was probably overthinking. "News of what? Shouldn't you be at Penwether for the elections?" Wink was glad to see the guy doing well though. It was totally fair to assume that if he was hunting this far out and looked relatively unscathed. Wink's eyes then darted to the top right as he stared at the HUD clock visible only to him. He sighed, time was running short. "Hey, I'd love to stick around and chat but I'm sorta in rush here." He began swiping at the air, tapping away at his invisible menu. A friend request was sent to the Spriggan. Before waiting for a response, Wink took to the skies.