[@Yorutenchi][@Renny] [center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] Marxo noticed as the fishing line tied to the end of an overheated weapon. It seemed he was about to use it to fling something at Nabil. Just as he thought it a piece of gravel came soaring towards Nabil , the line and hook were both connected to it. He noticed Nabil move out of the way but decided to show off a little as he destroyed the rock with a forceful punch. [color=088A85] “ Flinging dirt are we now Sergeant. Isn’t that a little below you.”[/color] , he laughed at Nabil’s earlier remark as he coaxed the marine. [color=088A85] “ This isn’t a 2 on 1 and unless you want it to turn into I suggest you equip your glasses and watch where you’re throwing. [/color][/center]