Well can't do anything about the first option. I intend to allow imperial arms. I will ask people if they desire canon characters in the OOC once I get a actual cast of characters. if they don't wish for them I will remove them. As it is I've already made the OOC and it seems people are already making their cs's around the third faction intending to take over the monarchy from within. We aren't affiliated with rebels or the imperials officially though our members will consist of people from both worlds. I do not allow people to play characters affiliated with enemies in the roleplay as it becomes annoying to work around in my experience as spies can just say 'hey they're here take them out' and enemy players will make me do extra work rp'ing members of the other faction regularly. As it is at the moment all I can say is that you can make a character pro-imperial and still join but that's all I can do. Some high members are salvation are high ranking imperial commanders and industrialists but i'm not sure if that helps you or not.