[center][color=0054a6][h2]Lucas McGee[/h2][/color][/center] [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2208/2237327675_3e1aefc71b_m.jpg[/img] [i]"I guess it's kill time."[/i] Lucas is 5"6", and rather sleek for his form. He is surprisingly strong although he doesn't look it.The top of his hair is bleach blonde although he doesn't ever show his hair in public. [i]Age[/i]: 28 [i]Gender[/i]: Male [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Not very Fancy [i]Power Descriptions:[/i] He can create shadows, he also uses smoke to create distractions. [i]Skills:[/i] Same as Lilly, but focuses more on the magic side of stuff. [i]Personality:[/i] Lucas is as antisocial as Lilly is a people person, although he is more tolerable when with Lilly. He prefers to be alone so he can focus on studying. He also is very quiet. [i]Biography:[/i] Same as Lilly's [i]Likes:[/i] His wife Lilly. Cats and puppies [i]Dislikes:[/i] Basically everything except cats and puppies.And his wife. [i]Fears:[/i] Losing his loved ones. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Getting separated from his wife for more than 24 hours [i]Other:[/i] Anything else we should know? NOPE. [i]Theme Song:[/i] "[i]Inside Out[/i]" by Eve6