[h1][center][b][u][color=ed1c24]~Yume/Junshiro~[/color][/u][/b][/center][/h1] [@Savato] The old man didn't seem to have much of a reaction to the robot's threat. He walked slowly closer to them and it became more obvious that this man was rather aged. He was tall with broad shoulders and was still muscular for his age but wrinkles line his face show his age. He has piercing blue eyes and a light grey beard that goes down past his neck and brushes against his chest. The man isn't wearing shoes or tactical gear but simply barefoot. His clothing doesn't look like armor but instead is an open button up shirt and some ragged shorts. "Calm down." He says to the robot. "My name is Usagi. I am from the Yamaro clan. I currently work as a go between for some of the different factions. Let's not talk here though." Usagi's eye's narrow as he looks around the town. As the sun rises the mist begins to fade and their cover is slowly leaving. "Its not safe to talk here." He walks over to the fountain and Yume backs up out of the way and returns by Junshiro's side. She also eye's him cautiously. The man's palm was places perfectly in the center of the north side of the fountain. His feet would have been ankle deep in the water had he not been walking on top of it. He lets out a deep sigh as chakra emits from his palm and suddenly a faint crackling sound echos as the water gurgles for a moment though nothing else seems to change. Usagi turns over to Yume and Junshiro. "Follow me." He says before taking a step to the side and falling through the seemingly ankle deep water. [color=ed1c24][b]"What?"[/b][/color] Yume said now taking a step forward to look into the fountain. The marble bottom that had just been there moments ago was now gone. It looks as though it is several meters deep. So deep that in the low light of the morning they can't see the shadowy bottom of this underwater shaft.