Molly Heckler is practically vibrating with excitement. They actually scored an actual job, in a possibly haunted, beautiful building. Hearing her mother’s negativity on how ghost hunting wasn’t a way to make a living, she had feared this would fall short. That they wouldn’t make any money and her life savings would be getting a big chunk taken out of it (it partly had, considering all that she had bought, but it helped she had the money that didn’t go to college and her mother hadn’t demanded it back, surprisingly). But they actually got a job. It didn’t pay much, sure, but that isn’t what really matters to Molly. She just loves the job. She doesn’t care about the money. She just wants to prove ghosts were real. She has seen them herself, after all, alongside her father. She wants to prove to her mother it was possible to make a living in this type of career, because it was. She truly believes that. And she'll show her mother it was. She couldn’t stop smiling as her and her brand new team – which she was sure to interview properly, she wanted people who were trust-worthy and would work well with others – go into the hotel to meet the current owners. She tries to not have too much of a bounce in her step; she doesn't want to seem annoyingly happy but it was hard not to be, considering. The owners seem very kind and she’s thankful for that. It would make their first job that much better. She has a feeling this place was going to be great, that they were going to catch something on film or something. She just has a good feeling about their first job. She isn’t sure if that’s from the happiness or if this place will really be the real deal. She can’t help but beam back at the older woman. This was just so exciting and she had done it, all by herself. No help from her parents. Even used a lot of her own money. It feels good. “Yes ma’am, we got here all right.” She answers, old-fashioned manners she had been taught coming out. Her mother was like that, all about manners and no elbows on tables stuff. Her father hadn't been like that. Her parents were so different; maybe that's why they hadn't worked in the end. She doesn’t mind the older woman being old-fashioned; she wouldn’t mind the extra room in her and Cassie’s room, actually. Not that they would be sleeping that much, that is. Molly is used to pulling all nighters and getting a lack of sleep. After all, she has been doing it for a lot of her life. And she was a college student, at one point. “It’s so nice to meet you both. As you know, I’m Molly Heckler and this is my team. I just want to thank you both again for hiring us.” She could keep talking, if she really wants too. She was just so happy, it was hard to not show how thankful she was because this was just giving her more hope she could really do this, show her mother she really could. And perhaps her father would finally contact her and she could tell him of her successes. She's sure he would love to hear about it and would be so very proud of her. Instead of speaking more, she grows quiet, to allow anyone else to speak if they wished.