[b]Name:[/b] Alice Jones [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Year[/b]: 3rd [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Created Vampire [b]Physical Description[/b]: [hider][img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/4896/th/pre/f/2013/223/9/b/ann_again_by_icybermantis-d6hm5qy.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: More in depth detailed description (written) Just reaching average height, and still not quite comfortable in her own skin, Alice fully resembles somebody just about ready to cast off the residual lanky awkwardness of adolescence. Unfortunately for her, being turned into a vampire on the eve of her seventeenth birthday means she is doomed to roam the Earth looking like an acne spotted bag of hormones for the rest of her life, but at the moment that’s probably the least of her concerns. On a more general note, most days she opts for simple outfits, and she isn’t really into makeup or fashion. She can generally be found wearing a baggy T-shirt, along with either skinny jeans or simple black leggings, her coarse red hair loose and un-brushed around her shoulders. [b]Personality[/b]: Before she was turned, Alice was a curious and adventurous spirit, but also very naïve and sheltered due to her wealthy upbringing. Of course, these traits were to be her downfall, as it was whilst exploring her parent’s large estate (alone, at night, without telling anyone where she was going…) that she was kidnapped by her would be sire, a friend and business partner of her father’s, and turned. Luckily she escaped with the help of her sire’s son, and she soon found herself on the run, very much a different person. These days she is cautious, guarded, unwilling and unable to trust anyone except her rescuer. She is dogged by an unshakeable paranoia, and often seems like she is getting ready to make a break for it. She doesn’t talk about her past life or her experiences with being turned, ever. And unless you’re a close friend, bringing it up is a pretty good way to make her hate you. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Whilst not quite the budding outdoorswoman she used to be, she has still retained an affinity for nature and the adventure it can bring. Unfortunately her ability to enjoy the outdoors is much hampered by the fact that she is a vampire, and vampires + sunlight = not good. Strangely enough, she has developed a morbid fascination with literary vampires, and will quite happily sit in a quiet room for three or four hours sniggering at the Twilight saga. She also likes to journal occasionally, and finds that she gets a pleasure from it similar to that she used get from listening to music. She doesn’t listen to music anymore because it would impede her ability to hear somebody trying to sneak up on her. [b]Extra[/b]: She has a very intense relationship with the son of her sire, Oliver Raynott, but their relationship is purely platonic.