[hider=Valjean Vaseal][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Valjean Vaseal[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Desert Scorpion, Jean Valjean[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Probably Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height:[/b] 6'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 234 lb [b]Faction:[/b] The Skulls [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Ash Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] French-Canadian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Valjean is built like a tank. He has the general appearance of someone who plays Football, basically. Valjean does have a generally athletic build with plenty of muscles under all that clothes. So, he has a brutish appearance when people look at him. His legs are very muscled, and he has sexy abs. He has wide, broad, shoulders. With this strength, Valjean is good-looking on top of that. He has a wide face/head. His head is oval shaped. Valjean has very big and round cheeks, that are easily the more pronounced part of his head. Valjean has average sized lips, that are pink, and poke out a little bit. His nose is very small, and triangle-shaped, the biggest part of his nose is the tip, which pokes forward a little bit. He has rounded ears are that very big, to the point where they could be made fun of. His eyes are small and blue colored, some could say that he has beautiful eyes. Valjean is predominately French/Canadian in regards to his descents. His skin, mostly his face, is plastered with light-brown freckles. His nose, and cheeks are littered with them. His skin is far from perfect. He has lots of scars from sports related injuries. They're all small though. None of them particularly stand out. Valjean does have a nasty stitching scar on the right-side of his midsection which is above his ribs. His hair is amber-brown, and straight. He keeps it well-groomed, and looks really good. Valjean keeps his hair very spiky, and wild. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A guy you wouldn't want to get on the badside of. Valjean likes to portray himself as the tough guy that nobody messes with because of his immense size and stature. The guy that would tear someone in half at the slightest. You know, the generic tough-guy. Except he has skills and power to back that up easily. Though, this attitude has gotten him in more trouble than one man should get into. Valjean isn't the type who likes being at the bottom of the pecking order, and hates losing. He'll take every chance he gets presented with to ascend the ladder, or get petty revenge on whoever wronged him in the past. Getting past that Valjean is quite amiable to the people who are apart of his group. In conversation, he has a toothy grin, and is constantly cracking jokes - No matter what is currently going on. Someone could have just be turned into a stain on the wall, and he'd be acting like it's nothing. Basically he doesn't treat them like trash unless he believes that they're beneath him. He tends not to listen to people, as he expects people to listen to him, not the other way around. Valjean's sexuality can go either way. He's bisexual, and has sex with both boys and girls in the past, and it didn't bother him. Though, Valjean has crossed a few line before in the past... [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Valjean has practiced and engaged himself in several sports in the past. Most notably, his father was a boxer, and has made Valjean familiarize himself with boxing. He's a brutal boxer, and punches hard as a brick. He also has done some karate, and has reached yellow-belt status. He mixes his karate with his boxing, though he leans more on boxing. Naturally, Valjean is a killer street fighter, and has experienced much fist-to-fist bloodshed. Valjean has also done plenty of football, soccer, and basketball, when he was younger, and nothing compared to the rush of basketball. Valjean also knows a few instruments, and isn't particularly talented at it, but can play the bass guitar, and flute. He's also a DJ. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Look kids, I dunno if you know, but you're just a background character, just play along and be a nice little brat and don't make any waves. Y'hear?"[/i] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power:[/b] Valjean isn't [i]the[/i] Desert Scorpion for nothing! [i]Scorpion-Form.[/i] Valjean posses the power of the mighty scorpion. The desert variety of scorpion adapted for hard life in the desert. He's capable of taking the burning hot heat of the desert (Limited resistance to heat), go without water for days, and . The first and foremost use is that Valjean can transform into a giant scorpion, painlessly. Or as he prefers, he can transform into a hybrid of man and scorpion. Naturally, he gets rough, tan, exoskeleton, mandibles, pincers, a scorpion tail, extra limbs, etc. However, this is hypothetical, he has a high degree of control over his transformation, and control what features his body has. Thus, Valjean doesn't have one set form, except tons of variations, all depending on what he wants. Valjean could have extra exoskeleton armor, or he could have scorpion limbs on his back. I'll be going through everything of note. He can lift four times his weight, due to his strength, and strike with just as much force. Valjean's exoskeleton is very hard and rough, bringing his durability up enough that weak attacks (Such as punches or knives) will barely phase him. Though, he can take damage, and his exoskeleton has a way to deal with that. Naturally arthropods heal slower than humans, but, if Valjean sheds his exoskeleton, it'll be good as new. He has a poison at his stinger, but it's not very potent, all it'll cause is skin irritation and redness. Though, the stinger itself makes a very good blade to stab opponents with. Scorpion-form Valjean possesses a seismic-sense, enhanced endurance, the predator/animal instinct, and agility. [i]Desert Manipulation.[/i] Valjean is a master of the hottest, driest, areas on earth. He can blur the laws of physics and turn any area he desires into a burning hot desert. The temperature will skyrocket, water will evaporate and dry up, and control desert dwelling animals (Not very useful, but yeah). Most notably of all, sand will coat the area. Whether he's creating sand, or teleporting it into the area, is up for debate. A unique ability that Valjean has is that he can control all sand, as far as the eye can see. Thus he can do the usual sandbender techniques of creating blasts of sand, sandstorms, etc etc. Valjean can also control glass, throwing glass storms that'd shred unarmored opponents. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Valjean is the desert scorpion, not the woodlands scorpion, not the urban scorpion. Naturally, his body isn't adapted for life anywhere but the desert. Moist, wet areas make him weaker, and less effective, than say a burning hot room. In fact, the cold is his weakness, cold based attacks can cause some severe damage to him, and weaken him further. It takes time for Valjean to transform from man to scorpion, and the more drastic the transformation, the longer it'll take. Just for fairness. His exoskeleton is big, tough and heavy, thus, his natural speed is brought down the more features he adds onto his scorpion form. Valjean's desert manipulation only affects a small area, around twenty five meters. Once he leaves the area, the effect of the heat will 'follow' him, meaning that the environment will revert back to it's original state after he leaves it. The best way to avoid the effects of it is to not be anywhere near him, and hit him with long ranged attacks. Valjean cannot control any sand that is wet. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]