[hider=Greta Faust][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Greta Kayla Faust[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Faust, Elixir, Labrat[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Height:[/b] 5'3 [b]Weight:[/b] 183 [b]Faction:[/b] The Skulls [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Orange [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] German [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Faust doesn't fit the appearance of your average skull. She is without the gruff, hardened, and vicious appearance that the Skulls are famed for. Faust on the other hand, looks as out of place as a Mouse in the Lion exhibit. Faust has more of an appearance to scientists, and evil geniuses. She's short, she's overweight, she's virtually scar-less. She would be more in place as a Sammy (Well, she did, but check her Bio). Faust appears to be a woman in her early thirties, much older than the most of the Skulls and Sammies. Her age shows in her wrinkles, and out of shape appearance. Faust has a thick pot-belly, usually obscured by a heavy amount of clothing. She doesn't display flawless beauty... She's more average in the appearance area, not swooningly sexy, or mirror breakingly ugly. Her facial features are rounded, and fat, not rather pronounced. The most notable part of Faust's face, is her large, round, full, cheeks. They aren't disproportionate to the rest of her face, but they are the first thing most people will notice about her. Her nose is angled, pointed, and hooked, almost like the beak of a bird, it's also fairly small, and short. Her lips are thick, and full, but rather out of place compared to the rest of her face. Her eyes are small, and usually have a angered look in them. An interesting part of Faust's head is that her right ear was seemingly torn clean off. There's a nasty jagged claw scar where her ear should be, and it goes to the back of her head. Faust snarks saying that she lost it when she tried to experiment on lions in a zoo. Her hair is an orange color, and is very spiky, like a crazed scientist would have their hair. [b]Attire:[/b] Faust dresses like a stereotypical scientist, sort of. She wears a large white labcoat almost all the time when she's alone in her lab. Usually she's seen wearing an all-white attire, boots, pants, etc. Which goes heavily against the darker shades of color that the Skulls usually wear. When Faust rarely goes out during the Skull's raids, she flips the script and wears a black attire. She'll wear a black leather longcoat, with more causal clothing underneath it. She'll be seen carrying around something to place vials full of potions in. Usually a bookbag, or a belt. One thing that Faust is never seen without is her goggles, which she wears almost nonstop to cover her eyes. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A typical to the Skulls, Faust is well-mannered, polite, and seemingly kind to her minions. Whether it's because of her upbringing, or that she finds the Skulls to be a band of savages, is not important. Faust doesn't particularly agree with the ideals of either the Skulls, or the Sammies. She's only really using either faction as protection, she's easily the least loyal to the Skulls. Ultimately, she's in it for herself, and it doesn't matter if the two factions tear each other to pieces and burn the city down - Long as Faust survives, that is. That out of the way, Faust is a generic mad scientist. Her morals are hazy, and the words ethical doesn't apply to her. Which is evident on when she has people kidnapped and experiment on them using her potions. Despite this, she has a few rules on who she experiments on. No experimenting on pregnant women, children, the sick, or the elderly - Unless there's a [i]chance[/i] it'll help them. That said, everyone else is fair game. Faust. In the end, her goals are to fully explore her powers, and it's potential. She doesn't strictly do experiments that effect people negatively. Occasionally she visits hospitals and give them potions that'd cure their diseases, and disabilities... Sometimes this hasn't ended well. Faust doesn't have the raw physical strength of the other Skulls, and if you let me indulge in this cliche, she makes up for it in creativity, cleverness, intelligence, and tactics. She likes to appear as if she isn't a threat, someone who isn't capable of hurting a fly, and taking advantage of that. Evident when she once tricked a Sammy into drinking a potion that made his skin melt off. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Faust is very intelligent, clever, creative, and observant. She is intelligent enough to easily piece together facts, and to come up with a plan. She is also good at acting, easily able to feign emotion. Also, Faust is very intelligent in the field of biology, a perk of her power, but still a gift. Despite her lack of physical strength, Faust is a fan of using knives and guns. She's a good shot with a pistol, and can kill foes with easy with a knife or two. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Her knife collection. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Unethical? Where the hell we are? Ethics don't mean anything, boy. I can change the world."[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] There's not much to talk about her story, until Faust discovered her power. Once Faust discovered her powers, she immediately started experimenting. She started experimenting on the homeless, giving them potions that'd turn them into monsters that'd rampage around, and ultimately get killed by the police, or the rapid changes to their body. The police didn't take too kindly to this, and immediately put Faust on their hitlist. Being a near defenseless woman, Faust had no choice but to join a faction. She joined SAM at first, staying in the background, occasionally helping with big missions by supplying the faction with potions that helped them get by. All while she returned to the night to experiment on the homeless. For months, this went by unnoticed, until Shaun caught her one night, and with his Telepathy, he learned the truth. Faust was booted from SAM, and had no where else to go. Despite the fact she doesn't share their views, she was forced to join the Skulls. She quickly gained favor with the Skulls for her power, and her experiments, and ascended to the Big Five. Working in the background, Faust's work has made the members of the Skulls even harder to kill. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Elixir Creation.[/i] Faust's power is simple, but is extremely versatile, and makes her more powerful than you may think. She has the ability to "enchant" or "imbue" any body of liquid (It has to be in a container though) and turn it into a potion, giving it the ability to alter the biology of whoever consumes it. Faust's potions can alter the biology in any way imaginable, but they're specified to alter one aspect of a human being. She can create potions that heal people, poison them, change their appearance, enhance natural abilities, interfere with powers, play with emotions, cause hallucinations, restore lost limbs/remove disabilities, etc. Yeah, there's much more her potions can do, but this sheet will be enormous if I list each and every last thing, but that should give everyone an idea. While Faust's potions can change people's biology, her specialty is creating potions that turn people into horrible monsters, with their own powers. These monsters usually have enhanced strength, healing, and durability, but the exact abilities of these monsters heavily depend on the kind of potion. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] The potency of the potions depend on how much is consumed. Drinking one drop of the potion will do next to nothing to someone's biology. That said, for her potions to do the more amazing things, someone needs to drink a lot of it, at least a pint. The effects of Faust's potions are temporary, and the effects usually last a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. Unless it's a potion that heals, cures diseases/disabilities, or triggers a small physical change in a person's facial features. Any monsters that Faust creates will be turned back to normal within an hour. It's difficult for Faust to create potions on the fly, she needs concentration, a liquid, and it's hard to get the former when she's being shot at. Heh. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]