[hider=Hector Jeross][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Hector Bronson Jeross[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Crystalisk[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0 [b]Weight:[/b] 137 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African-American/Jamaican [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Not exactly a powerhouse. Hector is tall, lanky, thin. Not exactly strong and powerful as his brother, Samson. But Hector has his own brand of looks. In terms of facial features, he's quite different from him. His features are more streamlined, and less pronounced, but he's still quite attractive. Hector's head is pear-shaped, and is medium sized. His chin and jawline are very sharp, large and pronounced. His nose is large, he has a thick nose-bridge, and has wider nostrils than what would seem to be attractive. Hector's lips are thick, puffy, and full. His eyes are medium sized, brown, and are quite good looking for a boy. Usually he has a narrow, sharp look in his eyes, almost like he's disgusted or battlescarred. The rest of Hector's body is fair. He's really skinny and thin for someone that's tall. However, he's a bit muscular, just nothing spectacular. There's plenty of muscles in his legs implying that he's a guy that does plenty of running. Which is true. Hector's skin is coated in several bruises and scars, several of which imply years of abuse. Most notably, there's a massive burn scar on his arm, one that starts below his elbow, and stops a few inches away from his wrist. Hector's hair is a dark black color, and is styled in dreadlocks. [b]Attire:[/b] Hector dresses causally when not on missions. He'll wear just about anything as long as it matches. Though, he's seen wearing superhero shirts of some sort. When out on a mission, he suits up in his "costume". Which consists of goggles, a black trenchcoat, combat boots, and anything black underneath it. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Not really a people's person, at least not anymore. Hector is troubled, and has many confidence issues. He just feels as if he's a screw up and a failure in general. He looks up to Samson, and the others and wonders why he can't be like them. Hector has these opinions for a reason. Years of abuse, on top of the incident he incited that got people killed, have caused him immense amounts of self-doubt and guilt. It really inhibits his abilities to act independently, as he needs someone to hold his hand in order for him to do the right thing. However, Hector certainly won't be openingly angsting about this anytime soon. Usually he keeps his mouth closed, and tries to appear as emotionally impenetrable as his brother, Samson. Despite this, Hector is polite in conversations, and treats the other members of SAM politely. Hector sees the fight against the Skulls as redemption for his previous crimes. He believes that defeating them will carve a way for him to put his past behind him and start anew. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Hector is experienced in playing soccer, and could have gone pro if he hadn't join the SAM. He's fast, has killer reflexes, and is quick on his feet. He's also done plenty of climbing. Trees, fences, you name it. Hector knows his way around a knife or two, and as a hobby, he learned how to throw knives. A hobby turned useful. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] N/A [b]History/Bio:[/b] Check Samson's sheet. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Energy Crystals.[/i] Hector can manipulate dark blue crystals out of his body. He's capable of the usual elemental techniques with these crystals - Move them, shape them, control their growth, destroy them, etc. These crystals are nearly hard as diamonds, and are quite. A technique that Hector does is coat his limbs in these crystals for defense, at the cost of physical mobility. He can also reduce these crystals to a powder. Now, these crystals have a very special property attached to them: energy absorption. The crystals can draw in and absorb all types of energy (Kinetic, Heat, Electrical, Radiation, Sonic, and so on) from the surrounding around and release it in a weaponized form. The bigger the crystal, the more energy can be stored in the crystal. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Hector is an energy magnet, as in energy is naturally drawn to him. Meaning that energy will be subtly attracted to him when he's around. Having a higher risk of being hit by a bolt of lightning or a wild fire spreading towards him. Say if someone throws a book in his general direction it will curb towards him and whack him. If a building was on fire and he walked by then the fire will spread towards him. You get the picture. He also gets hit much harder by physical attacks. It makes it difficult for him to dodge attacks. He's not immune to energy in any way, so this can be a problem. Each individual crystal can only absorb one kind of energy at a time, any other energy comes in contact with the crystal will damage it. Hector's crystals, while hard, are brittle, and can shatter under certain damage. There's also a set amount of energy each crystal can absorb, like it's been mentioned before, depending on the size of the crystal. If more energy is absorbed than the crystal can take; the crystal will explode, releasing the energy it had stored, and sending crystal shards flying. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]