[hider=Veronica Valos] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Veronica Mia of the Valos Lineage[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] Veronica has a vibe that is a mixture of the nerd-vibe and the librarian-vibe. Maybe it's the oval glasses she wears, the freckles, or her demeanor in general. She certainly looks like a cliche intellectual gal. Veronica stands tall at 5'10 and weighs 159 pounds. She's very thin, and doesn't have not an ounce of fat visible on her being. She has an athletic build, and her shoulders are quite broad. Nothing major. She has muscles on her being. The most muscles she has is on her legs. Indicating that she is a runner at most. She has a very curvy figure. Veronica is of Brazilian origins. Her skin is a brown, smooth, light caramel color. Her skin is mostly clear aside from her various scars. Many will notice her heavily scarred knees. These scars stem from sports related injuries and falling. Her legs are also fairly scarred below the knee. Other than that, she's pretty clear. Veronica has a few tattoos on her, very recent, they're hidden by her attire. The first tattoo she has is on her shoulder of a Cross with angel wings, made with black ink. Underneath this [i]"Veronica - Made in heaven"[/i] is written. Veronica has a small, diamond shaped head. Her head looks a little smaller than it should, and only the truly observant will pick up on it. Her forehead is quite small, easily covered up by her hair. Veronica's facial features are sharp and well-defined. She has a large, pointy chin, with her chin easily being the most notable part of her head/face. Her jawline is very strong and sharp. Her nose is small in terms of size, and points forward a bit. Her nose is triangle shaped (so are her nostrils) and she has sort of a long nose bridge. Veronica's lips are thick and full, they're a light pink color and she usually has them poking out. She has quite large and radiant eyes. Her eyes are generally round and her iris are quite beady. Her eyes are hazel colored. She has light-brown freckles plastered all over her face. Veronica's hair is an unnatural jet-black color. Her hair is very well-kept and good looking, and it's wavy/curly. Veronica keeps it in a shag-hairstyle, with plenty of the hair brushed over to the side. She brushes this hair over her forehead. Veronica's hair is kept at chin-length. Going with the theme I was running, Veronica dresses very modestly. She keeps plenty of skin covered up. Some may also say that she dresses blandly. She'll mostly be seen wearing long-skirts that go long past her knees. There are times where Veronica can be seen wearing various kinds of pants. Veronica will wear just about any outfit combination. Button-up shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, jackets/coats, , etc. As long as she thinks it looks somewhat good on her. Since she's short-sighted, she needs to wear glasses. Veronica wears large oval-shaped, black framed glasses. That contribute to her nerdy look. [b]Personality:[/b] Don't feel like writing this right now. But, I'm certain on what her mindset is and I'll definitely do write this later. [b]Favorite activities/hobbies:[/b] Veronica likes to do a lot of things that she's good at. For starters, Veronica likes to play some sports, as mentioned in her appearance. Specifically she plays lots of Basketball and is pretty good at it. She has played other sports, but isn't as good at them as she is at basketball. She is an adventurer at heart. She's quite agile and good on her feet. She's no batman, but she's pretty good at climbing up stuff too. Trees and stuff are her specialty. She's an artist too, the most used skill for a character to have! Give her a paint brush, and she'll paint you a picture. She is no Leonardo da Vinci, but she's quite experienced and good at drawing. Veronica also likes to read various books. If there's any book that interests her, then she'll read it. [b]Favorite object:[/b] [b]Power:[/b] [i][b]-Classified-[/b] [/i]But I most note that she's totally immune to all mind powers. Just so we don't get into any problems later.[/hider]