[hider=Squad 10 Captain][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5TLXjtW.jpg[/img] [i] “We all have something to protect right? Something precious. Mines is freedom. My own freedom.”[/i][hr][color=#F1F1F1][h3][b]Ryuma Noriko (龍馬典子)[/b][/h3][/color][hr] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5’10” [b]Weight:[/b] 162lbs [b]Hair Colour:[/b] Snow White [b]Eye Colour:[/b] Black [b]Birthday:[/b] January 2th [b]Clan/Family:[/b] Noriko Family – A family that was around when the Gotei was first formed. Their clan head was a part of the Captains back then. Since they have only raised in power and now holds a steady grip on the potential fate of the Gotei. [b]Race:[/b] Soul [b]Profession:[/b] Shinigami/ Head of the Noriko Clan [b]Rank:[/b] Captain [b]Power Level:[/b] Captain [b]Spiritual Energy Colour:[/b] Dusk Orange [b]Personality:[/b] More than anything else, Ryuma values personal freedom and individualism. He, himself, is a rather lazy person. He prefers to play catchup over interrupting sleep or fun. It’s obvious he’s an easy-going young man, whose own views on individualism can and has affected his squad, the gotei, and his family. He has on many occasions, allowed his squad members to decide their own fate when they were adamant on disobeying orders. [b]History:[/b] His birth was nothing special, neither was his long, long childhood. Instead, he was treated with emotional neglect, allowed to do whatever he pleased and whichever manner he pleased. It was, in the very beginning, a destitute exile. One that, over time he came to appreciate. While his elder siblings were held up in the manor, forced to study Soul Society politics, hollow warfare, and other important principles; he was allowed to have an opinion and uncommon perspective. To see the world through eyes that valued freedom overall; when he looked upon his siblings he saw so many chains that it guilt racked his heart. Decades passed with the same routine on replay. Ryuma was allowed freedom, to explore the Soul Society. He had lived in the Seireitei all his life so it was no surprise when he announced he would wander around the Rukon District for a time. His parents and retainers did nothing to stop him. Neither did his brother or sisters, who by time had each reached a powerful position within the Gotei. He traveled the Rukon District for decades. He lived in mid-lands of the district, attempting to understand their views of freedom. They had no chains binding them, at least from Ryuma’s point-of-view. But they begged to differ. They were chained by the will to survive, the struggles they faced every day. This brought a intercepting thought to his belief system. Could freedom, the ability to live without duties, still be slavery? He delved deeper into the Rukon district, where the killers, cutthroats, and other villainy thrived. It was utterly stupid. The first day he was stabbed and robbed his clothing. When he awoke from his blood lost he was in the care of a retired Shinigami. The old man told him to return to the Soul Society but Ryuma refused, adamant that he would stay and learn what he sought. The Shinigami gave in but only on the condition that he’d learn to defend himself. Decades more passed, he carved out a living in the most dangerous parts of the Rukon and lived rather quaintly. Soon he was found by a squad of Shinigami and brought home by his parent’s request. He returned to the funeral of his brother and sister, who was brought down by a menos grende. Fear gripped him, for he knew what was coming next. He was brought back not to grieve but to lead. And so his mother and father enrolled him into the academy, where his own survival skills, latent potential, and ability to wield a blade dubbed him a prodigy. Once inside, he quickly raised to the heights of 2nd in command. Over time he proved himself worthy, though young and rash, he had what it took to lead and a unique aspect that invoked devotion towards him. At the moment, he has only begun to take the reins of the Noriko clan but already his parents are disapproving of his rebellious demeanor and decisions. [b]Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings:[/b] A rather new captain, not many has attempted to get to know him. And vice-versa. [b]Other:[/b] His captain’s uniform is often hung over his shoulders to keep from obscuring the tailor made attire his family made for him. To represent the Noriko clan was not in his plans but he actually enjoyed the uniqueness is presented to him. [hider=Zanpakuto] [b]Zanpakuto Name:[/b] Shōbō Kurō (消防クロウ) [b]Type:[/b] Unclassified/Wind Type [b]Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command:[/b] Flap Against, Shōbō Kurō [b]Zanpakuto Bankai Release Command:[/b] Burn the Black Wind, Ao Shōbō Kurō [hider=Spirit Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J6Zsq6w.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Inner World] The shades of his world darken and lighten depending on his mood, though its usually a bright orange; signifying his chase towards the new dawn. However, naturally as a being of emotion, Ryuma is constantly shifting back towards doubt and assurance, fear and confidence. When darker emotions take root; starlight dot the black background of his world and blue fire roams the floor. [/hider] [b]Sealed Appearance:[/b] A typical katana in all rights. Its hilt is solid black, lacking a nylon wrapping. The guard is reminiscent of a shuriken in mid-twirl, having only four sharp points. It is usually tucked next to a wooden blade on his hip. [b]Shikai Appearance:[/b] In Shikai state, Shōbō Kurō vanishes from his side and turns into black maelstroms that periodically reveal themselves around him. [b]Bankai Appearance:[/b] In Bankai state, Ao Shōbō Kurō’s twenty foot tall spirit form fades into existence behind him before fading out moments later. Ryuma’s arms turn black and looks to be made of metal, along with a plume of crow feathers that raises from his elbows and connects to his shoulder blades. Blue flames occasionally flares from the black limbs. [hider=Shikai Skill] 1. Mince – The eddies that surround him cut to pieces’ attacks directed towards him. Attacks of greater reiatsu can break through, making them move a calculate action. It’s a rather impressive defense for its unknowing and sudden intervention baffles foes. 2 post cooldown. 2. Break – Six thin crescent blades are launched towards his opponent, either by will (slower but still fast) or directed with his hand (much faster and powerful). They tear the earth up without prejudice and can easily split a menos grende in half. 3 post cooldown. 3. Twist – Two separate currents are force up against his opponent(s) and twists them with skin tearing force. Muscle can deeply bruise in the process. 3 post cooldown. 4. Arc – A great deal of wind is focused vertically over his opponent. Seven wind-made pendulums knives are made as powerful wind buffers them from each side to prevent escape. These blades shift up and backwards to constantly change the place of the severance. 4 post cooldown. 5. Tornado – The full form of his Shikai churns and twist into a menacing tornado of earth cutting wind. Getting suck into it means nothing less than great pain and muscle deep cuts. 4 post cooldown. 6. Red Wing Hawk – A wind-made construct, a maelstrom of wind makes the form a two-story hawk that burst towards his opponent. The blast of wind is stronger than his break technique and is capable of destroying several buildings. 6 post cooldown. 7. Eagle Owl – Two constructs—one an eagle and the other an owl—are made by his shikai, leaving him undefended by attacks. Once used, he can either attack with both or fuse them into a giant beast that crashes into his opponent(s). Upon impact, it turns into a massive tornado. 9 post cooldown. [/hider] [hider=Bankai Skills] 1. Flare Risen – The flare encased crow that is his Bankai spirit appears behind him, spreads its wings, and showers the area with blue, searing flames. The flames can be shot off in a multitude of ways, all having the capability of destroying a four-story tall building. 4 post cool down. 2. Enhancement – The blacken metal is an increase of strength [i]or[/i] speed. Restricted to two limbs at once—any combination of his arms or legs—these obsidian limbs are strong enough to take a sword without damage and when designated with speed can move quicker than most can see. 4 post cooldown. 3. ??? 4. ??? 5. ??? 6. ???[/hider] [hider=Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills] (Skills that do not cause harm to an opponent)[/hider][/hider] [hider=Skills] (Note: Remember that a GM can help you with the skills as it'll likely be faster and easier) [b]Zanjutsu[/b] - Master [b]Kido[/b] Master [b]Hakuda[/b] Expert [b]Hoho[/b] - Master[/hider] [b]Total points gained:[/b] (This lists the total amount of points you have gained from missions etc. only goes up, never down) [b]Total Points Spent:[/b] (Here you list how many of your total earned points you've spent) [b]Mission log:[/b] (List here any training, Sparring or missions you have done and how many points you earned) [b]Points spent and skills gained:[/b] (Here you list what your points were spent on)[/center][/hider]