[quote]Asuka Koizumi I think the words insanely obsessed with manners is a proper description of her. Being proper and formal seem like her bread and butter. I understand that since I too come from a high ranked clan, but she doesn't know when to just relax the formalities and it makes being around a chore. I like to do things at a very fast pace and try to achieve my goals as quickly as my body will allow, but she's slow and I don't care much for slowing down for others. Life is a competition and speed is almost universal in determining the winners and the losers. All the negativity aside, she does have a good sense of loyalty to her clan and I respect, she also seems determined to become a great shinobi and those are qualities that I like to see in a ninja. One more thing, I will definitely try to beat in a sword fight someday, that katana of hers doesn't scare me! [@Weird Tales] [/quote] If this RP goes like the anime and we meet up in the chuunin exams, I CHALLENGE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU