[center][h2]Agni Ormr[/h2] [img]http://images.worldofanime.com/u/ygibjfye_838_Akato.jpg[/img] Where: Cait Sith Capital City <> Who: [@Izaka Sazaka] Feera al' Naja[/center] Agni had finally arrived back in the safety Freelia after the long journey back home... after he lost his father to the murder guild that had claimed his life. So frankly, the young Cait Sith was not in a very good mood. However, he had promised Feera that he would be present at her meeting thing about the way they should run their government. So he walked on towards the inn that she had rented out for their special little meaning. The door slammed open as Agni entered the building, while Shriekr move to the side of the building and curled up so she could watch the ongoings through the window. Agni had his head hung ever so slightly, still mourning the loss of his father in this world. The way the boy walked, along with the dampener on his usual outgoing attitude would have been enough to tell most in the room that the mission he had been on did not end favorably. With a small sigh he sat at the table and listened to the din of the others talking to each other, and noticed a few giving him odd looks that seemed to ask why he was even here. This was due to the fact that of all the people here, he was the only non-Guild Leader among them. Rather; he was just a member of Feera's guild... and a high ranking one at that (of course they didn't need to know that little fact). He also was here because Feera was a close friend of his, that much was not secret at all. Most knew who was friends with who when it came to politics and being popular overall in the virtual world. Agni listened to their plan for how the government should work very carefully, he was watching to see who would attempt to make a powerplay later on and possibly even make a move on Feera's life. None could be trusted completely at this table, it was the nature of politics and the nature of a game where killing was acceptable. He turned towards his friend and looked her over briefly to see how she was taking things, and honestly it seemed like she was handling it all rather well. [color=f26522]"We need a second in command. Somebody who sits between you and our council. This will prevent any attempted powerplays from future council members, as the second in command would be able to see any of these coming much easier than you; with their time not being taken up by council meetings. This position would also act as an ambassador to our fellow races in this world, that way if a trap is sprung at some meeting of race leaders, ours still stays alive. I volunteer for this position, I promise that I won't let any harm come your way; I will not be losing another person I care deeply about to this world."[/color] He said simply, then looked at the other guild-leaders who were currently present. Quite a few of them nodded, seeing as it would keep Agni out of their hair since he would have no direct command authority. [color=f26522]"I also think using said second in command as a sort of defense minister, who has to get all military actions approved by the council or by you, would be beneficial. Once again so we don't expose you to unnecessary danger."[/color] Once again the guild leaders nodded, they trusted Agni. The boy trusted them, he just didn't trust whoever might come after them. [color=f26522]"We agree on this, how do you feel about it Feera?"[/color]