[hider=Squad Three Captain, Kanda Yamagachi] [center][color=200920][h2][b] Kanda Yumagachi [/b][/h2][/color] Appearance: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/15e8n02.jpg[/IMG] Age:19 Gender:M Height: 6’0 Weight: 167lbs Hair Colour: Gray Eye Colour: Brown Birthday: July 4th Clan/Family:N/A Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami Rank: Squad 3 Captain Power Level: Captain Spiritual Energy Colour:[color=200920]UltraVoilet[/color] Personality: Kanda is a bit of an oddball. At times he seems nice but you must choose your words around him. Any mishap or misconduct can send him into meanstreak in which he tends to take his anger out on his subordinates. At most times he’s seen blank faced, lost in thought, or concentrating on our to better his unit. History: Kanda was born in Kyoto, Japan. At the age of three his parents suffered from plague and died a week after his birthday. Soon after he taken to an orphanage where he spent most of the remainder of his human life. During his stay he was tormented by the other kids for having soulless brown eyes. Kanda never let their teases sway his positive attitude. Secretly he bottled all of his negative energy and only expressed a positive outlook. As a teenager he attended Kyoto Gishi High School. As a freshman he became captain of the kendo squad at his school. This immediately jump started his popularity as well as hone his sword fighting skilled. He practiced day and night to become the best in his class but instead of become best in his class , he became the best in his school. He had everything an orphan could want, friends, girls, popularity, and the attention of all the best fighting schools. At the age of 19 his school attended a tournament in honor of the new Emperor. Kanda's team had made it to the finals. He was next up to go against the best fighter from a rival high school. It would be an epic battle only to be thwarted by a slip of footing. This would be the end for Kanda as the opposing fighter took full advantage of his misstep. After the match he was branded an outcast, the disgrace of his whole school. The other students hung a cloud of shame over the young boy. They made him walk home from the match instead of allowing him on the bus, not to mention the orphanage was over 5 hours away just by drive. On his walk he had a lot to think about, for starters how friends were fake and how people were always behind you until you messed up once. Lost in thought he didn't seem to notice a lost soul calling out for his help. How could he help anyone? He was a failure of maximum proportions. At long last he proceeded to help the soul. [color=200920] " What is it? Can't you see I'm sulking?[/color] Kanda approached the soul as it didn't answer his question. Little did he know it was a trap set by a unsuspected hollow. As Kanda reached his hand out to touch the soul's shoulder he felt a burning sensation inside of his chest. He then looked down to see the talon of a hollow pretruding from his chest, with his heart on the end of it. The rest was complete darkness. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Other: (Can include unique clothing items and such) ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name:(原産地ペスト)Gensanchi pesuto Type:Unknown/Poison Type Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Silence the Suffering, Gesanchi Pesuto Zanpakuto Bankai Release command: Ban-kai, ペスト雨 Pesuto ame [hider=Spirit Appearance:][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/e16b2f.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Inner world:][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/30macye.png[/IMG][/hider] Sealed appearance:Katana [hider=Shikai appearance]:[IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2powdg8.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Bankai appearance:][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2i1k38x.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Shikai skills: (NOTE: Seated Shinigami have up to 5 skills, Lieutenants and above can have all skills unlocked. Skills must also have cooldowns to prevent spamming) 1.Poison Mist- The parasites spread a wide range of poison across the battlefield affecting all enemies by slowing movement and motor skills. (4 post cooldown/ 2 post duration) 2.Inhabitants: If bitten by Kanda’s parasites , they inject the enemy with a poison that temporarily blinds the opponent. (3 post cooldown/ 2 post duration) 3.Camouflage: In shikai form Kanda has the ability to blend in with surrounding environments.(4 post cooldown/ 1 post duration ) 4.Whip chain: Parasites have the ability to latch on opponent and pull them into the unsealed shikai.(6 post cooldown/ 2 post duration) 5.Antidote: Parasite have the ability to enter Kanda’s body and repair minor cuts and bruises, They also replace broken bones and tendons for more efficient motor skills.(6 post cooldown/ 3 usage limit) 6.Plague Rain: Parasite turn into clouds and rain poison upon the battlefield. This poison cannot be inhaled or it will slowly decompose opponents insides.(7 post cooldown/2 post duration) 7.N/A 8.N/A Bankai skills: (Captains and up can only have Bankai. Note: Some Lieutenants will be able to attain a Bankai) 1.Enhanced Plague Rain: Chemicals in rain become more potent and are able to turn insects into huge parasites . If stung by insect parasites opponent will become paralyzed. (7 post cooldown/1 post duration) 2.Rebirth: Kanda’s bankai has the ability to heal all body ailments and regenerate new parts. In order to do so Kanda’s body is eaten by his bankai. While inside his body is reconstructed and refigured to better suit current opponents.(10 post cooldown/ 2 post limit) 3.??? 4.??? 5.??? 6. (Ultimate Skill):Sin: Kanda body parts become poison to be absorbed by his bankai. When release into the air he’s become a cloud in which surrounds the opponent causes shortness of breathe and eventually full body failure.(1 time usage/2 post duration) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: (Skills that do not cause harm to an opponent) Skills (Note: Remember that a GM can help you with the skills as it'll likely be faster and easier) Zanjutsu:(Mastered) Kido:(Expert) Bakudo Hado Hakuda(Mastered) Hoho(Mastered) Total points gained: (This lists the total amount of points you have gained from missions etc. only goes up, never down) Total Points Spent: (Here you list how many of your total earned points you've spent) Mission log: (List here any training, Sparring or missions you have done and how many points you earned) Points spent and skills gained: (Here you list what your points were spent on)[/center][/hider]