[H1][center][color=007236][b]Hunter Monroe[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Hunter looked at the girl, she seemed early twenties, she seemed at least familiar with the handgun. Then again from that high up it's not easy to make a head shot, he would have to give her credit on that later. Though he was in an awkward situation, their he was holding a military grade assault rifle, he had fired at this girl who had not only didn't shoot him but possibly saved his life, it was also easy to tell that Hunter was a bit jumpy. She seemed friendly though, then again many people did. Her gun was at her side, ready to be used in case he acted up again. He calmed his breathing down when he realized he still had his rifle in his hands. He slung his rifle over his back and waved. "[color=007236]Uh, Hi Sarah. Name's Hunter.[/color]" He reached his hand to shake, then feeling like a moron realizing the distance between them, and quickly putting his hands back. He was awkward around people before the world ended, so now that people have actually tried to kill him a couple times his social skills have not improved. Hunter started taking mental notes of the woman, she was armed was the first thing that always kicked into his head. That's what they drilled into him in basic, are they armed? If so be ready to defend. "[color=007236]Uh, sorry 'bout... shooting at ya. That's just... Habits I am working to break. Pain in the ass to break habits like that.[/color]" He noticed how she was adjusting her sight based around the crack in the gas mask, how she was doing it the damage was recent. "[color=007236]Oh... Did I break the mask? Shit I did didn't I? Sorry on that too, I can...[/color]" He was going to say replace, but he hadn't seen a working gas mask in a while. "[color=007236]Maybe I can make it up to you?[/color]" He did an awkward smile again. He shook himself out of it and attempted a normal smile. He looked back and forward on the streets. "[color=007236]So, you mind if I come in?[/color]" Truth be told, he wasn't the beat around people, though he figured if this person was going to kill him she would have done it already. And if she's alone he stood a chance if things got bad. He was hoping they wouldn't get bad though. Thinking about how things could go bad he remembered his rifle on his back. "[color=007236]Wait, one sec.[/color]" He took the rifle off his back and took out the magazine, where he put it in his pocket full of other magazines, most of them empty. "[color=007236]So can I come up? I'll bring the sausage.[/color]" He was thinking about the one over preserved piece of meat he found in the fridge, then he thought over what he said. "[color=007236]Wait, No not like that. I mean I f... You know what never mind.[/color]" [@CandiBarr]