[@Bai Suzhen] [@The ghost in black] Had this cloud-guider truly challenged him to single combat? For reasons, Jonathan could not seem to care of her request. He did not like where he was now, among these burning flames. This war-monger, this rabble-rouser dared to instigate something against him. He felt the anger rising in him, for how vain and presumptuous this girl was to sink to confrontation with him. She seemed so convinced that a fight was inevitable with him that she had already transformed herself into her battle suit. How vulgar it was, for her to wear a combat gi so mundane, so similar to that which those who were not great wore. Once he had retreated from challenges, but he was no longer that man, weakened by circumstances into a foul servile beast, and was now a great being. And yet, what did he gain from fighting. Nothing. Even worse, he had far more important things to do. Both the cloud-guider and the space warrior would have to try a little harder if they really wanted to bar him from his noble path. There were many things for his self to discover. What the limitations, if any, of his powers, and what he had truly been made in to were the questions that plagued him. They were not questions that could be interrupted any longer, and they were more important than any hawkishness disguised as heroics. If they truly wanted to deal with him, they could go and follow him past his flames. "Cloud-guider, let it be known and let it be clear, I take it upon myself with my own will to leave this crumbling inferno of flames that birthed our ascendancy. Out in the flames, peons take the lowly place that they have been ordained to occupy, and they die as they are consumed by the purifying flames. I can see it in both of your eyes, space warrior and cloud-guider, how you wish to denigrate yourself and enslave yourself to charity to those who are unworthy. If you truly care about my flames, than fight me and leave them to die in flames." Flames came from Jonathan, from the palm of his very hands. They spurted about, reaching past him and going through everything in front of him. The flames did not aim for attack, but rather to close that path that his blast of fire had opened. Perhaps now he could finally have some peace from those fools.