Confidence had never been Aura's strong point, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, noone would guess this by looking at the girl leaning in the corner, twirling a magic pistol by it's trigger guard around her finger. To all the world, she seemed as cocky a gunslinger as any wizard, however anyone who knew her knew this was a fragile facade. Looking closely, once could see the way her eyebrow's furrowed slightly in concentration, or the way her free hand twitched slightly. She focused very intently on the constant, small motions required to twirl the weapon this way correctly. She stopped then, sliding the magic pistol into a holster on her hip. Though she could exquip and requip the weapon at will, she liked to have it and it's twin at the ready in case she needed to get into the fight immediately, which was why the pair of pistols now rested in their holsters on her hip. Looking up and around, Aura's mouth quirked up in a slight smile. There were so many people in Fairy Tail, and all of them were her family, they treated her as such and that was how she viewed them. Eventually, her eyes stopped roaming when they fell on a face she didn't recognize. A girl had entered the guild, one who couldn't be too much older than Aura. This normally wouldn't warrant any attention, but Aura didn't recognize the girl, which meant she had to be new. Dismissing her usual response, Aura visibly gulped as she gathered her courage. Slowly leaving her posting in the corner, she approached the girl who stayed near the front of the guild. The place was packed full of people, arguing and fighting and laughing, but for now Aura's focus had locked in on one thing. After a few minutes of picking her way through the Hall, she began to near the girl. It was then that Aura stopped, and began to worry slightly. What if she didn't want to talk, or wasn't actually even coming for the guild? The latter was an unfounded worry, as Aura knew the only reason one would be in the Fairy Tail guild hall was if they were in the guild or planned on joining it. Gathering her courage one more time, she forced herself to step in front of the girl. A small, guarded smile appeared on Aura's face as she gave a tiny wave with her right hand. She bit her lip, unsure of how to proceed, and tapped the fingers of her left hand on her thigh to partially distract herself. After a second, she managed to say "Hello, my name is Aura, what's yours?" This much was difficult for her to say, but she continued regardless "You are new here, aren't you? I've been here a couple years and I've never seen you, but uhm.." Then, all at once in a great burst, talking a million miles per hour, she said "I just wanted to say welcome to the guild and ask me if you need anything!" With that, her eyes went to the floor and she bit her lip again, knowing she must've seemed like a fool.