[centre] [IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/28vvpzk.png[/IMG] [/centre] The man walked away without a word, not even a glance her way. Normally she would love the invisible effect she had on people but right now, she needed to grasp their attention. The very thing she hated. She backed away a little, her hand still held awkwardly in the air but closer to her chest. Her eyes looked at the ground, a sadness pushing forward through her usual fake emotions. She was scared and alone and it was dark. It wasn’t safe, nothing is safe. When some pretty much yelled at her, with a cheery voice, she couldn’t help but jump again. Her back went right into the corner of the phone booth. Her half scream of surprise was cut off into a hard grunt as her face winced in pain before she fell down onto one knee, her left hand pressing into her back where the rounded bottom of the metal phone booth wedge into her muscle of her lower back. She took a second hissing a soft sound in pain before she finally glanced up at the man before her. Pain pushed itself to the front part of her brain at the moment making her fears dim into the distance. The boy seems off, his face was lit up with excitement but a lingering worry could be seen in the very depths of his eyes. His hair was longer, but not girlie long, it was wild as if it had never seen a brush. His skin was smooth. She still hadn’t said anything as he stuttered along. She couldn’t help but doubt his reasons for talking to her. She let her eyes drift away from him as she scanned along the distance for a moment looking for a group of stupid people just wanting a good laugh. She seemed to be the victim to cruelty of humans. Yet when she couldn’t find anything she couldn’t help but glance up at him again questioning his choice of wording. “Be in a bit of peril?” she couldn’t help but say out loud a slight bitterness in her words before she took in a slow breath and stood up keeping her hand press to her back. Picking up her shirt she looked at her back, seeing the dark ugly colours already starting to form, it was going to be really tender for a while. Yet that didn’t stop her from touching it again and taking in a sharp breath through her teeth. After a moment of holding her breath she dropped her shirt back down and glanced over to the boy. Her eyes were cautious, untrusting, guarded. She just stared him down for a minute before she held out her hand, her palm pointing up to the sky. “Have five cents? I need to make a call.” She said not wanting to give out more then she needed to. After all, he could be dangerous and just be that good of an actor. That’s how the bad ones got away with what they did after all. [centre] [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/108aa2d.png[/IMG] [/centre] “Yeah, well you better fucking be. I just saved your ass from a possible broken bone or two.” He grumbled up at the woman before telling her how annoying she was getting. He got up brushed himself off before heading on his way. When she didn’t really say much besides babysitting him on his way back, he couldn’t help but raise a hazel eye that reflected the moon’s light for a moment as they passed by a break in the tree line above them. “What, no smartass comment?” He said before pushing his hands into the pockets of this leather jacket, his head turning back to look where he was going. Knowing his luck, after being so graceful on his feet and skilfully jumping out of the way at the last second, he’d now catch his foot on a root and face plant into the dirt or worse a rock. He couldn’t help but sigh softly. Letting the sigh draw out before glancing back at her just as she fell instep beside him. “You really don’t have to walk me back. I’m not about to get lost or go on a witch hunt in here. That’d just be stupid.” He said his voice still a little ruff but the anger no longer lingered in his voice. However, that’s when she brought up how faeries deal with their own issues. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes and huff a little. He opened his mouth to speak, but she kept ranting or well trying to lecture him. It really just went in one ear and out the other. “Yeah, sure. Just like last time, and the time before that and [i]oh[/i] the time before that? Hazel, look, I totally understand that you don’t see them as bad creatures, but it’s their nature. Besides, what they would have done to those fucks would have been much worst then what I did. Quick painless. Maybe if they stayed away from humans as I’ve told you, we wouldn’t have this issue to begin with.” He said his voice getting harsh again towards the end as his anger flared up. It was then that they came to the clearing and he turned to look at her, him much taller than her, at least a few inches. “Look, I wasn’t really planning on rushing in. I got caught up, those two –“ He almost swore again but took in a deep breath, running his hand through his hair again. “ Those two have been coming out every night, in the last month, they got away with three deaths before I could find them, that isn’t even counting the huge number of deaths and rapes I prevented by chasing them off. I was not about to let them get away again, when I was so close. Just be happy I didn’t kill the other four faeries that were in the bar. At least they were behaving.” He hissed towards the end. It was quiet for a moment. “But whatever, next time they that . . . [i]thing[/i] won’t make it to the tree line.” He said a darkness casing off him before he waved her off and started to climb the small ditch up to the gravel road. Just as his boot hit the gravel, she spoke again. This time she took Hale by a slight surprise. He didn’t show it though, rather he looked back at her with a raised eyebrow as if indicating she was insane. “Well good bye to you too.” He said softly as he watched her form disappear into the darkness of the trees. Shaking his head he muttered softly to himself. “Hippy.” Before making his way down the gravel road to the bar so he could grab his car and look for some other trouble makers deeper into the city. After all, the night was still young.