[center][h2][color=Purple][b]The Kingdom of Soroya 1901[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [i]The voice of the people are freer than ever in Soroya, and yet their shouts seem to only get louder. With every right granted, two more issues of freedom take it's place. The kingdom of Soroya often finds itself struggling to meet all these issues, but can only move forward into the darkness. Seeking what future lies ahead.[/i] [hr] [center][b]On the issue of indentured servitude[/b][/center] After much discussion over the past months over the treatment of indentured servants in the colonies the current Prime Minister Kevin Notles has pushed for the Labor Act of 1901. This bill will focus on the treatment of citizens within the country no matter their age, skin, or wealth. There are four acts within the document: 1. Indentured servitude will be made illegal in both the colonies and at home. A. Anyone caught in violation of this act will serve 10 years minimum B. All currently owned Indentured servants will be released from their care, any owners will be compensated 2. Workers must be paid for their services in any form of labor. 3. Children are not to be abused in performing dangerous tasks. A. Heavy labor jobs are illegal for children under the age of 16. These include heavy lifting, sharp objects, deadly machinery, or life threatening situations. B. Children must be paid equal pay to that of an adult performing the same task. C. Exclusion from section B includes agricultural work on family farms as long as work isn’t taken priority over school. 4. All Children must be accepted into district assigned public schools A. Children can’t be discriminated in any scenario involving wealth, race, or nationality Though not officially enacted, it is expected to pass in the largely liberal parliament currently in power. After it has gone through parliament, the king must officially approve the document, but much like parliament it is doubted he would do so. [hr] [center][b]Osmad protesters[/b][/center] After nearly 100 years of occupation of the Osmad region, protests weren't uncommon. While the time of independence had been forgotten by these people, their national identity had remained strong. A problem the Soroyan government has dealt with countless times, yet now they are asked the question, "what if the enemy doesn't fight back?" Though news of Osmad protesters had reached the capital, Kevin Notles was reluctant to do give into their demands. “Sir, what should we do?” Asked General Joep Eupe, age 56 he is a well known and esteemed military commander in the Soroyan army. He was worried that this situation would lead to military intervention, however Notles wasn’t as worried. “Arrest the leader of the group, Mr…” he paused for a second trying to recall his name. “Ayyud Ba-Kabir, is his name Prime Minister.” The general interrupted. “Thank you. Arrest this man for disturbing the peace and disperse the crowd. He shall serve his time and we then will release him.” The general simply saluted, and left to carry on the orders. It will be swift and the crowd would be dispersed as peacefully as possible. If things however got violent, the general was prepared to order the execution of any in the crowd. [hr] [center][b]Treaty of Evemont[/b][/center] The delegate was surprised by the offer to stay in the capital to witness the launching of the TPS “Mettle”. Soroyan’s often had a fascination with ship building, often looking up to Zellonian craftsmanship, and he wasn’t the exception. He quickly accepted the offer, but notified the Prime Minister that he couldn’t stay long after. [hr] [center][b]Submarine lay’s down it’s first keel[/b][/center] As tradition in Soroya when a submarine’s keel is first laid down, so shall its name. Submarines in the past have given female names, often named after the wives of the captain expected to take the ship, this one was no different. Named SRF Merel, after Merel Berkhof, Huibert Berkhof’s loving wife and future captain of the SRF Merel. [center][img]https://wargamingmiscellanybackup.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/de860-brest13-10-13-07.jpg[/img] [i]SRF Merel under construction[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]The Cruska Gun[/b][/center] With new and advancing military, an unknown military theorist named Maxwell Cruska has began work on a fast firing gun. With close eyes watching his progress, the Soroyan military has fully begun funding the development of this weapon. Official statements have been few and far between, often stating “This will revolutionize modern military.” Some generals however fear that this will any sense of honourable warfare. [center][img]http://www.museumoftechnology.org.uk/stories/mg_gardner.jpg[/img] [i]Design idea for Cruska Gun[/i][/center]