[hider=Dreadlin Nauss] [b]Name:[/b] Dreadlin Nauss [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/fc67/f/2011/333/2/1/lizard_man_by_inubiko-d4hpq2t.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 85 [b]Birthday:[/b] March 26th [hider=Magic] [b]Magic: Kaiju Soul:[/b] An evolved Mimic/Beast Soul ability, with a touch of Titan in it, Kaiju Soul is a powerful caster magic and is arguably the strongest Take Over Magic known so far. This allows the user to record a kaiju or a kaiju's body part they have touched to their own will and then either take their form or summon a part of their body into their own arms. It is said that the user must actually defeat the kaiju before "recording" their forms, just like Beast Soul, only being much more powerful. When in kaiju form, a user can be up to 10 - 20 meters tall, depending on what kaiju it uses. Dreadlin Nauss has 11 recorded kaiju that he can take form of at will, each having an element strongpoint. [hr] [b]They are as followed:[/b] [hider=Regular Kaiju] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/4f68644938d52fe16615e27ab673c8fb/tumblr_nsbjoeHrFr1ruxn67o1_500.png[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Great Maccu [b]Element:[/b] Grass/Earth Based [b]Weak Against:[/b] N/A; Neutral [/hider] [hider=Fire Kaiju] [img]http://www.akibanation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/MHX-Dinovaldo_Render_001.png[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Dinovaldo [b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]Strong Against:[/b] Grass/Earth [b]Weak Against:[/b] Water [/hider] [hider=Water Kaiju] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BeeNMGei7i0/TGcTMlwqbmI/AAAAAAAAAaQ/0DSfPcHaAJQ/s1600/mh3-lagiacrus.jpg[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Lagiacrus [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Strong Against:[/b] Fire [b]Weak Against:[/b] Ice & Earth [/hider] [hider=Earth Kaiju] [img]http://iso-labo.com/labo/images/monsterhunter/monsterhunter4/9_%E7%B5%9E%E8%9B%87%E7%AB%9C%E3%82%AC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9.jpg[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Najarala [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Strong Against:[/b] Lightning & Ice [b]Weak Against:[/b] Water & Air [/hider] [hider=Air Kaiju] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/17/52/8117522a3caa08f8f643a7840aa48d55.jpg[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Amatsumagatsuchi "Aka: Amastu" [b]Element:[/b] Air [b]Strong Against:[/b] Earth [b]Weak Against:[/b] Lightning [/hider] [hider=Ice Kaiju] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150304000610/monsterhunter/images/thumb/c/c4/2ndGen-Ukanlos_Render_001.png/1280px-2ndGen-Ukanlos_Render_001.png[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Ukanlos [b]Element:[/b] Ice [b]Strong Against:[/b] Water [b]Weak Against:[/b] Fire & Ice [/hider] [hider=Lightning Kaiju] [img]http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/monhan2ch/imgs/e/9/e9b4c017.png[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Zinogre [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Strong Against:[/b] Air [b]Weak Against:[/b] Earth [/hider] [hider=Dragon Kaiju] [img]http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p426/goji14/Monster%20Hunter/Flying%20Wyverns/Rathalos.png[/img] [b]Code Name:[/b] Rathalos [b]Element:[/b] Dragon (Specifically Fire) [b]Strong Against:[/b] Earth and Ice [b]Weak Against:[/b] Dragon Slayers and Water [/hider] [/hider] [b]Magic Level:[/b] A [b]History:[/b] Dreadlin Nauss was one of the Lizardmen created by Daphne after Grane's creation. Like the rest of them, he was at one time serving Daphane as one of her most valued creations. However, his was a special cause, one of which it appeared that he was ONLY capable of. He was designed to take down kaiju, a unique character of monsters that some only thought to be the stuff of legend, and literally BECOME them via an advanced Beast Soul magic simply called, Kaiju Soul. His targets ranged from the fire kaiju Dinovaldo, to the ferocious Zinogre, no monster was safe from him. With every kaiju he defeated, Dreadlin was able to take their magic powers and use them in combat against other monsters and occasionally several mages. He was a force to be reckoned with. However, despite his brute strength, he was far from dumb. Eventually he and other lizardmen grew tired of serving Daphane and plotted to overthrow her and become free. Having Dreadlin on the side of the rebels, he became a valuable asset as he and the others eventually defeat Daphane and sent her to a pocket dimension. After that, they all freed their lizardmen brothers as they went to create their own village, far from human settlements. There they became a peaceful village, most retiring their violent nature to a more simple life. The race made a great community within their hidden village that behaves as a council with a few acting as representatives for the many. But when it comes to outside relations, no one outside the village knows about the reptilian race and those that do are rarely welcome as guests and seen as outsiders. It's not because they dislike humans, but it would be better and safer if the less people know about the village, they'll become more secure and prevent outsiders from threatening them. Dreadlin Nauss kept his kaiju soul power, in the event if someone were to harm the village, but even he came to a more peaceful life himself. He became the village blacksmith and created the village's own kind of weapons and armor. He also happens to be a part time fishermen, occasionally going out with other lizardmen to fish for large game. Dreadlin became highly phrased in the village and also became their guardian protector of the entire village, a title in which he will hold till the bitter end. [b]Personality:[/b] Dreadlin is a friendly lizardman compared to the rest of his kind. He loves to socialize with other people, lizard and humans alike, but when in times of battle and danger, his courageousness springs into action as he is very protective of his friends. [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. A strong and experienced fighter. 2. A friendly figure. 3. Very brave. [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. Each of his kaiju forms have an elemental weakness. 2. He can be clumsy. 3. Can be a heavy eater. [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Food. [b]Motivation:[/b] To bring honor to his people. [b]Additional Details:[/b] His favorite kaiju form to be in is his Fire one. [b]Voice:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSD4IDnmB0E[/youtube] [b]Battle Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4tmsncdCZU[/youtube] [/hider]