[h3][u]Day 2[/u][/h3] [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] The next night, Trixxtal asks Tori how he got the wizard to leave, but he doesn't know either. Sending Tori to sleep, Trixxtal goes out to try to find more information. Jecht wakes up around the same time. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] Instead of actually doing anything useful though, Trixxtal is just cleaning some jewels that they had looted from a passing ship. But once Jecht appears, he tries to get him to go back to bed to rest and so his wounds would have a chance to heal. BUT Jecht takes this the wrong way and an argument ensues. ("Quit with that sassy attitude" / " A dark mass of shadows won't always be there to save us!" / [i]WE NEED TO GET STRONGER[/i]) [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] BUT THEN [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/439072]Cepheus[/url] shows up, aka Trixxtal's WORST enemy, and offers Jecht his blood, only worsening Trixxtal's shitty mood. He throws the golden hook back in Jecht's face and tells him to go back to his "precious Cepheus". [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] Jecht gets even more angry (" I don't know why I bothered to look for you. In fact, I'm glad you weren't there when I woke up! This is all your fault!" " I'm like this because of you; I am hurt because of you!") An angry Trixxtal throws the jewels off of the ship and into the water, and Jecht makes baby Tori go and retrieve them from the bottom of the ocean because he is heartless. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] The other crew members are doing their own thing. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/476743]Videl[/url] is working out, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/477186]Nemesis[/url] asks him to help her train, and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/890970]Charlie[/url] sets off to find Tori after Jecht orders him to. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] Back in his private quarters, Cepheus chides Jecht for being so unreasonable to Trixxtal, but gives his blood to Jecht anyone to help with his recovery. After a little more teasing from the Hellhound, Jecht is finally able to get some sleep. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] After Jecht leaves in a huff, Trixxtal goes back to his room to rest. He finds Charlie at the front of the door, and thinking that he is there to play with his nephew, he sends them off together, unbeknownst to him that he is practically sending Tori off to his doom. He goes inside his room and angsts about Jecht, thinking about how much he hates him, but how he really loves him too. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] On deck, Charlie explains to poor, young Tori that he is to retrieve the jewels from the bottom of the sea. Unfortunately for the both of them, Tori does not know how to swim. Rather than face Jecht during this sensitive time, Charlie goes off to find help, mainly the rest of his crewmates for help. He enlists the help of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/477316]Mariemaia[/url], who was once a captain of a ship herself before Jecht sunk it, thus she knew how to swim. Memories from that day were brought back to her and she reminisces about how she fell in love with Jecht that day, and planned to confess in the near future. In the meantime, she decides that tossing Tori overboard while tied to a rope was THE BEST OPTION. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color]Poor baby Tori held on to the rope for dear life as they lowered him into the sea. Encouragements of " Just kick your arms and legs until you stay afloat!" and " The rope around your chest will stop you from drowning!" did nothing to stop him from drowning or learning how to swim and he begins to panic. Cepheus, who had just finished off fighting off some unruly crewmembers, over sees this and rushes over to help before Tori dies from their stupidity. He dives into the water and saves Tori from a watery grave. While he is there, he turns into his Hound mode and helps Tori collect all the missing jewels. Before finishing, Cepheus discovers a small sphere hidden in the water trees. Little does he know that this is a DragonSphere (3). He brings it on deck. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] Elsewhere, on the SKULLKRACKEN, the ship that took Tori's parents, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/671332]Regulus[/url] taunts them as he feeds them blood. On the same ship, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/657169]Fenrir[/url], the SKULLKRACKEN's werewolf Captain uses a magical mirror to summon [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/890928]Milton[/url], the "spacewitch" who would be able to help him revive Freya, his late human lover. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] Milton instructs Fenrir that in order to bring Freya back to life, he needs the blood of all the magical creatures i.e vampires, fairies, dragons, werewolves etc. Once they retrieved those things, the ritual will happen on Samhain, the 31st of October (less than a year away in their time) and that in order for Freya to live after the ritual they need a body. But to get a souless body, they must summon Koryuu, the master of the DragonSpheres who grants wishes to anyone who collects them all. Milton gives Fenrir a radar and a scouter to help him find the spheres. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color]After bidding farewell to the spacewitch, Fenrir calls upon his first mate [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/671290]Fantine[/url] for advice. He explains the situation to her and in return she tells him that this sounds like a bad fairy tale. But in the end she agrees that this was their best chance to achieve Fenrir's goal of bringing Freya back. She tries out the scouter and discovers a sphere in the west. [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] They pack the magical items away and Fenrir tells Fontine to rest, as they would be arriving at NeverIsland the next day. NeverIsland was Fenrir's enchanted Island that relocated every few days and only Fenrir knew it's location at all times. They will deposit their prisoners there as they collect the rest of the Dragon Spheres and wait for Samhain.