[h1][color=darkred][b][center]Vatanno-Galvia[/center][/b][/color][/h1] [h2][color=darkred][b][center]1901[/center][/b][/color][/h2] [hr] [h2][b][center]The Wolf Hungers[/center][/b][/h2] Tensions between ethnic Numerians and Salardia have been growing despite "the best efforts of Vatanno-Galvia to ease hostilities". The wolf hungers and watches with intently as Numerian militias raided the border towns of Salardia. This militias were known to commit brutal atrocities such as rape and pillaging and even slaughtering entering villages. They were of course armed by the empire itself, with rifles being delivered by the army in secret. The policing force that Vatanno-Galvia had sent to its borders ignored the nightly border raids done by Numerians for the most part. Salardians who wanted to retaliate or simply defend themselves were turned back, sometimes forcefully. Salardians were known to have been shot simply by being in distance of Vatanno-Galvian rifles. Tensions kept brewing fueled on by Vatanno-Galvian intervention. Of course the Empire was already making plans on how to mobilize the army and what routes to take to occupy the kingdom. The forces stationed on the border only needed the order to advance and take the kingdom under General Varma. [hr] [h2][b][center]Blatant Greed[/center][/b][/h2] As tensions kept rising, the Second Kingdom of Salardia demanded an explanation. The blatant greed of the empire was causing the nation a stir. In 1900 a Salardian delegation was sent to Monda, the capital of Galvia and home of the Emperor, demanding answers. They were turned away however. Galvia promised to have a written letter explaining their actions in the region. The letter would come January the next year. "The reasons for our military expansion in Numeria is to guard against the injustice caused by your people against the citizens of the Empire", it reads. What frightened the Salardians most was the last line of the letter. "If Salardians do not dissuade from border clashes, the Empire would be forced to take more drastic measures." [hr] [h2][b][center]Coaxing their Neighbors of the Sea[/center][/b][/h2] With the Empire so close to war, it's neighbor, Tramel, condemned the actions it was taking. Coaxing their neighbors of the sea was not an immediate concern with the Empire. Vatanno-Galvia was not worried about Tramel intervention. However it was worried about the possible actions of Zellonia in the coming war. Vatanno-Galvia was becoming a large enough threat to garner the attention of its neighbors. A naval power such as Zellonia could block the relatively unprotected ports of the nation and could shatter the fragile navy of the Empire. [hider=A message for the Foreign Minister of Zellonia, Hester Norfed] Good day to your Good sir. We bring good tidings from Vatannia and Galvia. We congratulate your kingdom upon your victory over Kalpia. Truly your triumph was well deserved. However it has come to our attention that you are in need of rifles to further bolster your armies. We of Vatanno-Galvia would like to make a proposition. We could supply your nation with the arms it needs. All we ask is to allow us to construct naval vessels at your port for a decreased fee. We shall use the utmost diligence when operating in your facilities and rest assure that any damages will be paid in full. We would also like to possibly negotiate trade options between our two nations. We believe that a trading pact between both our nations will allow us together to prosper. Truly such opportunity for wealth cannot be ignored. Again good day and may Zellonia live in glory. [x]Signed Demino Bellestro, Foreign Minister of Galvia on behalf of Vatanno-Galvia. [/hider] [hr] [h2][b][center]Venerable Amelia of Ardox[/center][/b][/h2] On Febuary 17th of 1901, the faithful of the Corthide faith gathered in the streets of Polma to hear witness the pope himself make a declaration. Pope Gaius IX has officially canonized the then Venerable Amelia of Ardox. The Deltoran heroine led her countrymen against the lords and nobles in servitude to a foreign power. She fought for four years, leading her armies in the name of God and won victory after victory. In 1503 however, she was caught but her enemies and burned on a pole. Her canonization as a saint has rallied many Deltorians to Vatannia to celebrate her sainthood. Pope Gaius IX also beatified several Deltoran democratic revolutionaries that other popes refused to. Their souls can now be granted passage to heaven and their families may rest easy. Pope Gaius IX then makes a proclamation to all followers of the faith to head the word of God before all else. "Vice and sins are the enemies of the soul" Pope Gaius IX stated "but conflict and wars will rip the faithful asunder."