[u][h1]Poseidon[/h1][/u] Ben stood low to the ground, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Why was he going towards the gunshot and bone chilling howl? He surely wan't expecting anything good to come from this, but he had a feeling he heard that shriek before, and he needed to find answers. Ben found the firefight. A group of men were circling around another man hiding behind cover. One was fallen, and they all wore the same outfit his looters wore. He knew that whatever the guy did, he didn't think he deserved getting shot at by a bunch of looters and murderers. He looked around at his options. He didn't have a gun... But he apparently had the ability to make sprinklers blow out and some harpoon training. he hid behind a run down car, and saw a fire hydrant near a group of looters. He felt the knot in his guy again, sensing the water inside the metal... Ben took a deep breath, held out his hand, and controlled with all his might. The fire hydrant shook violently, And after one last exhausted push....! A small leak squirted out of the side of it. Well... Time for plan B. Ben spotted the farthest one away from everyone, took out his old harpoon, and threw it as hard as he could. It was surprisingly accurate and sliced through the air like butter, and it hit the man square in the back. A loud yell came from the man as Ben ran over towards his body, grabbing the harpoon before diving behind another car from the gun fire. Great. he had their attention. Although his fire hydrant stunt wasn't impressive he still felt the knot in his stomach... maybe he needed time for the power to recharge? he was still new to this whole "water and harpoon" thing, or at least he thought he was. But he did know that guns hurt, and could kill very quickly. Hopefully this stranger takes advantage of this time. [@Kaithas]