Haas cringed just a bit once he saw the blue-haired bunny chick and the ninja-man lose, given that it looked like they were pissed to lose. Haas was glad Vincent was...emotionally stable. He really didn't want to have to deal with an emotional teammate after a loss. Almost getting an accidental look at blue-girl's panties, Haas managed to turn his gaze away before anybody could ever have noticed. Taking a deep breath and regaining his purity once more, Haas watched the final match and...was asleep by turn 15. Long drawn out matches were just so...boring. It wasn't even all that exciting either, since it just seemed to be destruction and creation in tandem over and over... Eventually waking once Transformer yelled, Haas scrambled to attention, scared witless at having been fucking violently screamed at by an angry buff man with VERY big hands. Not wanting to get in trouble for anything, Haas sat like a good little boy until his turn came, at which point he quickly recieved his cards and...oh. Oh. That one was rare, he knew that much. An eager grin spread on his face as he looked over his cards, before he was literally punted all the way back to where he'd sat before by Transformer. Wincing and rubbing his now-bruised tailbone, he holds up Armades, Keeper of Boundaries. Proudly, he put it into his extra deck before looking to his other two cards. [color=aba000][i]"Huh...never liked gravekeeper's that much. Maybe I can find this guy a home later. His effect wouldn't benefit anything I have. Oooh! Mecha Phantom Beasts! Wow, this one looks cool. Some kinda...lion plane. Definitely getting more of these eventually."[/i][/color] he said in his mind, nodding to himself like he was winning the best argument with himself ever and making the best turnabout. Finally snapping back to his senses, Haas blinked a few times at Hayato and remembered the food. Bashfully holding up his right hand, he said: [color=aba000][b]"Don't worry about me. I've got enough to pay for myself. So, did you get anything good in your pack?"[/b][/color] as he looked at the two. Then he realized...where was Michelle?