[hider=The Frontman Of A Devilish Rock Band] [center][color=#FE2E2E][h2]Liam T. Devil [/h2] [img] http://orig05.deviantart.net/452f/f/2014/068/9/0/9027a6bdcd14578a210d22550ccb0797-d5gz1fy.jpg [/img] [i]" the souls of rock and roll flows through me freely"[/i] [i]Age[/i]:99994 (A devil’s equivalent of being in the late forties) [i]Gender [/i]:Male [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i]”I only dress in finest suit that the underworld can offer” [i]Power Descriptions:[/i] “Just some Pyromancy and soul stealing, manipulation of sound” [i]Skills:[/i] ”I am the main singer and I play the guitar, and I have been told that I am a pretty mean cook” He actually the backup singer but there more chance of a white Christmas in hell before he going to admit that [i]Personality:[/i] “I fucking ooze personality motherfucker just you asking that is an fucking insult to me bud” Mr. Devil is a piece of shit whose head is so far up his own ass he’s has managed to find alternate universe [i]Biography:[/i] “If You want to know it my history so much then buy my fucking book its called ‘I am you’re GOD’ [i]Likes:[/i] HIMSELF “I am the greatest after all” Boobs “Boobs, tits, melon, bezongas call am what you want but I fucking love am” Rock and Roll His base Guitar [s]My Little Pony Friendship is magic[/s]“WHO PUT THAT THERE!!!” [i]Dislikes:[/i] Dubstep Priests Vampires “A bunch of pompous prick the lot” Teenagers [i]Fears:[/i] Falling in love [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Boobs “I already said I fucking love am” Crosses “there one of the many reason I hate priests” [i]Other:[/i] Hes part of a band called Mr.Devil and his Undead Click [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Px1rfFz42I]"[i]Seven Deadly Sins[/i]" by Flogging Molly [/url] [/color] [/center] [/hider]