[h2]Yukine Chris[/h2] Unlike her colleague, Chris wasn't having a good day--though she'd attacked some of the available food with gusto and a lack of table manners that was almost cringeworthy to behold. Unlike Hibiki, she was absolutely certain that this wasn't a dream, both because she'd actually been awake in lessons like you were supposed to be and that this was hardly the first time she'd been abducted against her will. When she found who did it, there'd be explosions for sure. Fortunately, a distraction appeared that gave Chris an opportunity to vent her frustrations on something that would actually deserve it. Transforming, and singing [url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xpppmk_senki-zesshou-symphogear-makyuu-isshi-bal-ichii-bal_shortfilms]a delightfully cheerful song[/url] about blowing people to bits, Chris took aim at the bugs and started firing, not sparing a thought that the familiarity of this situation was making her nostalgic for her first song. She was, annoyingly, not on her own: various others were attacking the insect swarm, including one redhead--that seemed to implausibly be a Symphogear user--who was actually in the way. Friendly fire meant that the really big guns were out, so instead of trying to get the entire mass in this region of Mahora in one shot, the white-haired girl just went for her favourite configuration: two double-barrelled Gatling guns. [img]http://i.imgur.com/GaruBRR.png[/img] Though without the homing properties that the crossbow beams had, there was no doubt that the vast increase in firepower made up for it. Plus, if any of the bugs did make it through the people in front of her and the curtain of fire, she could keep using them, unlike most of her other attacks. Not having the idiot here made it a lot more difficult than she'd gotten used to, since there was nobody to cover Chris's back whilst she charged up.